Chapter 1) Skype

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A/N: this is an AU of jeanmarco. ENJOY!!!

(Edited on 3/17/21)


Marco was pacing the floor of his room, biting his nails in anxious wait and eagerly waiting for a Skype call - or even a message - from his best friend.

His computer chirped, alerting Marco to a message from the video app. He practically ran over, clicking to open up the chat and see if it was his best friend or someone else bothering him at the wrong moment. His eyes desperately searched for the name at the top of the chat bubble. It was Jean.

Marco was all the way in England, while Jean was in America nearly 4000 miles away from him.

"Hey big boy, I'm going to call you. Just a heads up." The message read.

Marco snorted, shaking his head and sitting down at his desk to prepare himself for the call. He opened up his camera first to check his hair. Not wanting to look like he had been a nervous wreck, he brushed back his hair with his fingers and carefully fixed a few strands that refused to go where he needed them to be. He softly patted his cheeks to calm himself before the familiar tune of a call played.

Only moments after he was warned about the call, Jean kept his promise and rung him up. A smile spread onto Marcos's lips as he hovered over the accept button. As much as he wanted to accept immediately - he wanted to seem calm and cool and waited a few seconds to actually click that green button. 

In mere moments, Marco was greeted by Jean's stupid face grinning back at him. In Jean's room, the sun was still barely shining through his windows, while in Marco's, his face was lit up by his computer screen. 4 hours is a big difference for them, with Marco always turning in so early, but they always find ways to make time for each other despite it. 

"What's up nerd! Doing homework or something in your room? I can't believe that it is so dark there already dude, it's crazy."

"Well hello to you too, Jean. I was actually waiting for you to call me. I did finish my homework earlier, though." He smiled, his cheeks lighting up. "And I cannot remind you enough that we have a time difference - it is going to be darker here." 

The blonde laughed, shaking his head. "Of course. And you didn't have to wait for me, ya know? You like your beauty sleep. Plus, we talked earlier, so you should be fine."

Marco gasped, dramatically slapping his hand on his cheeks and throwing his head back. "How could you say that!? I need to talk to you! I have to talk to you before I go to bed - it's our unspoken routine!" The boy should've been in a theatre class with how well he played this out.

"Marco, Marco, Marco... You can wait for my dumb ass?" He said softly, his cheeks slowly tinting to a soft red. "You really are the best."

A noticeably bright red blush spread across Marco's face as he cut eye contact from the camera. He couldn't let himself show how much it made his heart squeeze in his chest to hear those words coming from Jean. It pounded in his chest for a few lingering moments before he regained himself enough to stutter out a sentence. "W-Well... Guess w-what!" He decided to change the conversation before he had a heart attack and keeled over right then and there.

Jean cocked an eyebrow, leaning back from the camera, and relaxing with his water bottle in his hand.

"Hm? What is it?" he asked, taking a drink from his water.

"You know how I've been talking about how much I want to see you?" He paused, watching Jean nod as he began to take another gulp of his water. "Well... I finally got tickets to come to America! Look!" He grabbed the ticket sitting on his desk, showing them to the webcam with excitement.

Jean's eyes widened his eyes so wide, spitting out his water all over his desk. "What!? Oh, my fucking... Are you for real? When are you coming to see me?!" He kept eye contact with Marco as he reached for a towel next to his desk, nearly tipping over in his chair. 

"Next week on Tuesday!" Marco squealed, his bright brown eyes reflecting the light of the computer. 

"Dude! I'll pick you up and everything! Ohhh! I'll have to show you off to all of my friends!" Jean was practically yelling at this point as he wiped down his keyboard and haphazardly swiped the water off of his desk. 

They chatted for a couple more minutes, talking about all of the things that they wanted to do when Marco finally arrived in America. He felt his heart fluttering and his stomach was flipping with every new moment. He was so excited to see Jean. He became incredibly aware of how much he was shaking and how lightheaded he felt. He had to get off the call and calm himself down. 

What better excuse to log off than to go to bed. After all, it was getting late for Marco.

"Okay! Well, I'll have to log off now. I'm dead tired after waiting for your butt to call me."

"Goodnight, Marco! Talk to you tomorrow evening man! God, I cannot wait to see you!" Jean gave a little wave, and his screen went black as he ended the call. 

Marco closed out of Skype, shutting his computer a bit hard. His face was red, his hands were shaking, and he felt nothing with excitement within every cell of his body. 

He was so excited to see the person he had fallen for. 


Hey! I hope everyone is doing well! I edited this again because I have improved my writing yet again. Hopefully, new and old readers enjoy this! Some scenes will be entirely cut out (smut) but I will fill up that space with some more moments. Sorry if your comments get deleted because of this, I wish I could keep them all. I love you all so much, you are all wonderful human beings, and stay hydrated 🖤🖤 

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