Chapter 12) My love has been wasted

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I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I've just been very busy  with school work (And trying to get an honors diploma lol) that I haven't had any real time to update this story other than the times when I need to get sleep, Like 10-12. But today I have enough time to finish this chapter up and maybe edit the older ones!

So, If the chapter seems choppy and sloppy, I deeply apologize.

A wonderful person called @AlphaAus helped me with the idea I will be using for the next couple chapters >:)


3rd POV

The hospital was awfully quiet today.

Usually, someone would be pacing the waiting room or talking loudly with someone next to them about why they were there. Sometimes the nurses would be chatting loudly amongst each other, about their kids and their day. A kid would usually be showing off a toy to their parent, who was lying in a hospital bed or just getting out. Sometimes you could hear someone sobbing over the death of their loved one, or the soft voice of someone on the brink of death, reassuring the family next to their bed.  

But today there was none of that hustle and bustle, rather silence and calm.

It was about 11 in the morning when Jean walked into the hospital's front lobby, sitting down in the same chair seated by the entrance. He slumped back in the chair, looking around the room with the same nervous look in his eyes. It was his routine to sit and wait for the nurse to show up, to tell him about how Marco was doing. He knew what he was supposed to do by now.

After all, he'd been coming to the hospital for the past two months.

A short blonde nurse walked up to the front desk, signaling Jean to come on over. He did exactly that. She led him to Marco's room, opening the door and letting him walk on in. She wasn't the nurse he usually had, so there was no conversation at any point. 

Jean walked in, grabbing the chair by the entrance and setting it down by Marco's bed. He just talked. 

Talked about his day, his school, his life. He talked about how much Marco's family was asking about him, about how much everyone is worried about him. But he was growing tired of sitting in the same chair, talking and talking even when he wasn't getting anywhere. He was exhausted hearing about Marco's condition even if he never understood a word. He just wanted it to end.

The door clicked open, the normal nurse walking in and closing the door behind her. The same smile on her face. God, he hated it.

"Is this even worth it anymore? Coming here, sitting down and talking to the fucking shell of the man I love? I'm tired of doing the same thing. I just want it to end." He stood, staring into her eyes. 

She was unprepared for his sudden outburst, looking at the clock on the wall and then down at Marco. Her mouth hung open for a while, words just not coming out like she wanted them to. She took a breath and pushed her hair back. 

"Come out into the hall with me, please?" Her voice was soft but an ominous tone lied behind it. Her eyes were unreadable in that moment, just like a Doctors would walking out to tell bad news to a family. 

Jean swallowed, getting up and following behind her. He paused, looking back at Marco for a split second before walking out into the hallway. He didn't know what to be prepared for, standing up straight and keeping his hands in his pockets. 

She bit her lip, "Jean, I..." her eyes watered "his vitals have been low, his heart rate has been dropping recently, and he's been less responsive." She was avoiding the point, trying to make him understand without actually saying it.

"What does that mean!?" He yelled. He didn't want to face the truth. He didn't want Marco to be gone. 

"He's... not going to make it." Her voice was small, barely loud enough for Jean to hear. Not like he wanted to hear that anyway. She looked away, sniffling and holding back the emotions she wanted to feel. 

Jean's world stopped. Everything around him turned to static as he fell to his knees. He couldn't comprehend it, sobbing uncontrollably into his hands, his chest aching and crying out for air. His thoughts started to spin in his head, all of them talking to him at once. 

He'll never get to hear his voice over the monitor, talking about his day or something his mom did to annoy him. He'll never see those beautiful brown eyes looking at him, admiring Jean for what he was. He'll never get to lay in bed, watching movies with Marco, holding his hand for protection. Never again will he have to console Marco, wiping away his tears and kissing his lips to comfort him. He'll never get his love back. The love of his life.

He screamed in agony, lying on the floor in a puddle of his own sadness and anguish. Nurses at the front desk rushed out into the hall to see what was going on. Patients peeked their heads out of their doors, looking at Jean with a look of pity in their eyes. He didn't care, though, screaming out for Marco to wake up. 

All he wanted was to hear the words "I love you" from him.

Just one more time. 

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