Chapter 16: Ferris Wheel

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We pull up to the pier and everyone gets out. We start walking down the boardwalk. I think some people are staring to recognize us. We go into one of the t-shirt shops and I see the cutest sweatshirts. It says aye she's mine on a red sweatshirt and aye he's mine on a blue one.

"Austin we should get those." I say.

"Okay." We take them off the rack and take them to the front. We buy them then walk to the amusement park. We kind of ditched the boys but we don't mind.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna ride the Ferris wheel?" Austin asks.

"Um sure. But I'm gonna let you know now I hate heights." I say.

"I'll be there to hold you." He says. I smile and we walk to get in line. We wait in line until it's our our turn and then we get on. Austin puts his arm around me and we sit there.

"I'm really glad you could come here (Y/N)." He says.

"I'm glad too." I say. The ride stops at the top and I kiss Austin. I smile breaking the kiss. We talk until we have to get off the ride.

"Come here. I wanna win you something." Austin says. We walk over to the game where you have to throw a dart at the balloon and pop it. Austin pays to play and he throws the darts. Popping three balloons with the three darts. The man gives him a huge teddy bear. He hands it to me. It's so huge it's bigger than me.

"This is so big." I say. He carries it for me. We stop and ask this couple to take a picture of us. I hold the bear and Austin kisses my cheek. They take the photo. "Thanks guys." I say.

"No problem." The older man says.

Austin gets a text from Rob saying there at the car ready to go. We head back to the car and get in. I post the picture on Instagram and Twitter. The comments say the same thing:

Had the best day with him🎡❤️😘 @austinmahone

I post it then grab Austin's hand.

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