Chapter 20: Recording a Demo

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We get inside the studio.

"What do I sing?" I ask Austin.

"Whatever you want to sing." He says.

"You're such help." I say.

"I try." He says with a cheesy smile.

"I don't know what to sing Austin. Help me." I say.

"Sing this." He says. He hands me lyrics to a song called 'What About Love' written by him.

"You wrote this?" I ask.

"Yah. Now go sing." He says while pushing me into the booth. I listen to the instrumental to the song. It's to upbeat.

"Austin can you play the acoustic version of this please?" I ask.

"Sure babe." He says. He comes into the booth and starts playing the song.

"I, I'm feeling your thunder.

The storm's getting closer.

This rain is like fire.

And my, my world's going under.

And I can't remember.

The reason that you cut off the line. You're moving on, you say.

Here I stay.

I'll take this pain.

Yeah, I can, I can.

But what about love?

What about our promises?

What about love?

You take it all and leave me nothing. What about love?

What about us to the end?

What about love?

You cut my wings, now I am falling. What about love?

What about love?.."

I finish the song. Austin looks at me in awe.

"What?" I ask.

"You sang it better than I did." He says.

"No way. No one can sing better than you." I say while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well you did." He says. I kiss him.

"Lovebirds get a room!" Alex says through the mic. I laugh. Me and Austin walk out of the booth.

"So (Y/N), we have a question for you." Danny the owner of the studio says.

"Yah?" I say while holding hands with Austin.

"Austin is going to move to Miami to work at our major studio, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come too and make your own album?" He asks.

"Yes!" I say with excitement.

"Okay. So we will see you guys in Miami in two months. Have fun in California for the time being." Danny says. He leaves the room and I freak out.

"Oh my gosh Austin. I'm recording my album!" I say with excitement.

"I know. I'm so proud of you (Y/N)." He says. I kiss him.

"We are going to have so much fun in Miami." I say.

"Yes we are." He says. I can't wait to be in Miami with him.

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