Under Control

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Marlon opened his eyes in a flash and gasped as he woke up on a hard rough bed. The horror of being tied up and shocked multiple times still lingered in him, but disappeared once he realized he wasn't tied up anymore. Panting, Marlon raised himself slightly up with his hand. He felt the familiar uncomfortable feeling of the collar around him, meaning that he would get shocked if he tried to turn into anything. But he also felt something unfamiliar. It was a small stinging sensation on his left arm. On his left forearm. He looked to where the pain was coming from and just saw a bandage. Marlon then blinked in confusion.

"W-Was it a dream..?" Marlon breathed heavily and then looked around. Suddenly realizing that this isn't his cell. It's bigger, it's neater. He looked to the side of the cell where the bars should be, but saw nothing but only cement instead and one iron door. The door had a button for the inside, probably meaning that if Marlon pressed it he could escape this hell hole. The boy scrambled to his feet and jumped off the bed, ran to the door and pressed the button repeatedly. Letting out a loud gasp of relief and shock as the door opened, with no buzz.

"C-Can I get out of here?!" Marlon hissed under his breath and then peeked his head out. Looking side to side, he saw no one in the hallways. "I...I can get out.." Marlon then stepped outside, hope filled him and his lips curled into a small smile. He started running towards the big door, knowing that if he just kept on running he would get there. Marlon felt himself run like he had never ran before. I can see Catherine again! I can see Coral! I can see Hunter! I'll see my friends again! I can get out of-

Marlon let out a loud yelp as his foot got stuck on something and made him trip. Looking back, Marlon realized that a web was holding his foot in place. "W-What.." He stammered.

"You finally woke up!" A mocking laugh was heard from above him. The boy snapped his head up. He jumped slightly at what he saw. It was Wynx. The purple haired girl was standing upside down, her pigtails had been untied so her whole long purple hair showed. It was both fascinating and scary at how she was just standing on the ceiling, upside down. "Hey guys! Birdie woke up!"

"Did he?" Another voice came from Marlon's right. The boy snapped his head to the right and saw a threatening mountain lion with brown eyes come towards him. "Momma's boy actually finally woke up."

"What.." Marlon shook his head in confusion before trying to escape the web holding him down. Gritting his teeth, Marlon pulled and pulled. But he couldn't get his foot out. He tried again, but this time, it resulted in him being throw a web which kept him down by the hand and his other foot. Restraining him onto the ground.

"Don't try!" Wynx sneered. The girl then turned into a spider, slid down with a web closer to Marlon, making him shudder as it came down near him. Wynx then fell onto his back. Marlon flinched as he felt a spider crawling up his back. Get it off! He wanted to scream but bit his lip as he tried to stop the absolute disgust he was receiving from having a spider crawl on him. The spider then crawled down right next to his ear. Marlon let out a small squeak of fear but then pressed his head against the floor. "Are you scared of spiders Momma's boy?" Wynx sneered into his ear. "Because if you are, I'm going to make your life a living hell.."

Marlon grit his teeth as the spider continued walking on him. Crawling from his ear and then crawling up to his head. Marlon tried his best not to, but he shuddered as she did.

"Bird boy is scared!" Wynx pouted mockingly. The mountain lion just let out a low amused growl. "Try it Jordan! It's so fun seeing him scared, look at the fear in his eyes!" Wynx snickered coldly.

"Should I make him more scared?" Jordan asked and hovered a paw above Marlon's head. Marlon then yelped in fear as all of Jordan's claws extended and pointed straight at his head.

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