Bad Memories

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My voice echoes around this, empty white place. I don't know where I am, the only thing I know is that I don't want to be here.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I call out again, placing my hands by the side of my mouth to let my voice go farther and become louder. No response again.

Sighing, I decide to let it go and place my hands back to my sides. I take a breath in, closing my eyes as I do so. No one's here, it feels too lonely. I suddenly shiver and open my eyes as a breeze hits my back, my hands grabbing my arms instinctively to warm them up. "What the-" I turn around to face the direction the breeze came from, only to freeze in place as I see a tree with a big cat hanging on one thick branch. Seeing the black spots on silver fur, it's thick, bushy tail swinging side to side as it looked down on me. I immediately recognize it as a snow leopard.

"Uh-" I want to continue, but stop myself as I see the snow leopard jump down from the branch and land on the ground neatly. It raised its head from looking down at the floor to look up at me. It's eyes sinking into mine. It didn't have normal blue eyes, just plain, blazing white ones.

It had the same eyes when it was next to Cheyenne...

I take a step back from the big feline. It didn't approach me, just stared at bit longer. "You were next to my mother, weren't you?" I ask the snow leopard softly, hoping that'll understand me.

The snow leopard first nodded, before changing it to a shake of its head. Confusing me. "But you were next to Cheyenne weren't you? Aren't you like her spirit animal or...something?"

The snow leopard shook its head. Probably the only thing it can do for an answer. Grunting, I narrow my eyes. "Then what are you and why are you here?"

The feline stared at me as I asked it that question. I just stare at it back, hoping that'll respond to me soon. I decided to ask it another question. "Are you here for me?"

After about a minute of silence, the snow leopard just dipped its head, turning around softly and walking away from me.

I open my mouth in surprise, thinking that I would get a better, more detailed answer or reaction. Narrowing my eyes, I take a step towards him. "Hey where are you going-"

Out of nowhere, the snow leopard fades into nothing but white, blending in into the color of this place. White. I didn't see it again after. Neither did I see the tree that it was previously on, since it faded into nothingness as well.

"God damn it-" I hiss, rubbing my arms with my hands as I take a look around the empty place. It's so white, so big, so lonely. At one point I wished the leopard hadn't left so I wouldn't be alone. "What is this place? Why is it so lonely and white and plain-"

"Catherine!" I freeze as I hear that familiar voice call my name. The tone of it wasn't aggressive, but inviting and chirpy.

I widen my eyes as I grab onto my arms tighter. Marlon?

Slowly turning around, I get faced with Marlon beckoning at me to come over. The shine that was always in his eyes is there, the cheeky and joyful grin accompanied it. It was Marlon, the old Marlon. The Marlon they wanted back.

"M-Marlon?" I blink, my eyes widening a bit more.

"That's my name." Marlon chuckled, his chuckle friendly and joyful. Even though his chuckle was friendly and chirpy, a shiver ran down my spine on hearing it. Something is off, something is terribly off.

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