Pick A Dress

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"Klark told me 'bout the invitation Dylan gave y'all."

I close my eyes as my headache slightly worsens as Jackie's voice enters my ears. I stop washing the cup and turn around. Looking at her with tired, exasperated eyes. "He did?" I mutter out that question.

"Yeah! Well are ya goin' to go or not? Because if you're not then count me in and give me that invitation please-" Jackie's cheerful voice was accompanied by her jumping up and down excitedly. "Because I bet ya that I'm goin' and-"

"Jackie, please...I'm having a headache..." I cut in, I didn't mean to be rude, I was just being honest.

Jackie stopped jumping up and down. She narrowed her blue eyes in irritation as she looked at me. "Well then, ya shouldn't have gotten drunk-" She gave me a finger gun before continuing. "Without me."

"I regret doing so in the first place." I groan out, rolling my eyes as the throbbing headache worsens. I feel like crap. I should've been in bed, drinking water and letting this hangover pass. But Wendy told me it was mandatory for me to do my chores, or then her grandfather will notice that we were out yesterday. So I had to stand here, washing cups and plates. Slowly dying inside.

"Besides he told Wendy that everyone was welcome to come, so you're still invited..." I mutter out tiredly. I continue scrubbing the cups, this time more slowly. My head is throbbing. My stomach feels like it's digesting itself. My throat is just screaming for more water. What could be worse?

"Really? Holy crap!" Jackie then swiveled around. "Hey Ted! We're all invited!" She announced with a loud yell. I close my eyes, squinting them as I do so. Please don't yell.

"How nice!-" Ted exclaimed with an oddly happy tone, before I realized that oddly happy tone was a tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm not comin'." He announced shortly after.

Also, when did Ted get here? Was he here before? Or was I just too busy dying to notice? I turn around to look at Ted with tired eyes. He was sitting on the couch with his legs up and his phone on his hands.

"Oh right ya have to see Jane, don't ya?" Jackie teased her brother. "Finally got a girlfriend. Ya surprise me everyday."

Ted narrowed his eyes. Irritation sparking in them but as well as embarrassment. "I'm not goin' to that lame party, Jackie."

"I'm goin', just to see Dylan." Jackie twirled one of her braids and smirked as she did so. I move my tired eyes from Ted to Jackie, I feel myself frown at the teenager. "What's so special about Dylan? Is he your boyfriend or something?" I mumble out exhaustedly.

"No-" Jackie then placed a hand on the side of her mouth. "But soon he will be." She whispered with a cheeky tone.

"Disgusting." I groan out exasperatedly. Placing the final cups in the cupboards and turning around to face Jackie. I crossed my arms and leaned against the sink, feeling like heaven once I found something to rest my back on.

"Disgustin'? Amazin'!" Jackie squealed. "Besides what are ya gonna wear? Can I help ya choose? I've always wanted to choose a dress for a friend. I just love fashion, I'm just stuck in this stupid farm that's all." Jackie grumbled the last few words out.

"Don't let the old man hear ya say that." Ted announced with raised eyebrows. "He'll burn ya alive if he does."

"That's why I won't let him hear that." Jackie shot back. Honestly, I wasn't really listening. All I wanted to do was to go back to my bed and lay down, maybe take a nap, or just die calmly. Because this hangover is literally killing me. But then I jumped and returned back to my drowsiness as Jackie turned to face me. "So what are ya goin' to wear?"

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