Damnn, Derby girl!

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As I went around the track, an elbow came at me and I ducked, skating under it and around the next girl in my way. The other Jammer was a ways behind me. I was the fastest out there, one of the things that puts me on the top. As I was catching up to the pivot, another blocker came to my way. I received a nice blow to my side, making me fall to my knee. I quickly spun on it and jumped back to my feet. I hurried and skated back in pace to the front. The other Jammer was still behind me. She just got closer due to the fall I just made. I was almost past the pivot. I pushed my legs to their fullest and passed her. I immediately placed my hands on my hips, to my head, and back to my hips again making the signal. The whistle was blown and that was the last Jam. My team skated to me and I was surrounded by girls who had just played their heart out.

"Indie! You did amazing!" Kelly, also known as The Keller, a 32-year old accountant told me.

"That's my DieStruction!" a 23-year old college student joked. Her name was Molly AKA The deMOLLiter. I received more compliments and I gave them back to all the girls on my team. 2 on the team(all Blockers) and 4 back up(2 Blockers, 1 Pivot, and 1 Jammer). After our quick celebration we went to the referee to get our trophy. In our usual competitions we don't normally receive anything, but this competition got us into the WNRDC. AKA the Women's National Roller Derby Competition. If we win the actual competition, we get 500,000 dollars. 100,000 thousand per each player who actually plays that day. It's so much money because the guy who funded the whole event is like a billionaire. It's the first WNRDC in our state. I looked out to the crowd and saw my Dad and Robbie. I skated to their spot at the front of the ring and skidded to a stop.

"Well boys. Are you gonna congratulate me or did I do all of that work for nothing?" I joked to them.

"Nah. You were horrible." Robbie said with a straight face.

"Yah, congratulate you? More like plead you to quit!" My dad added on. I laughed and punched them in the arms.

"Ow!" Robbie said while rubbing his shoulder.

"And your suppost to be the 'jock' at school? Yah.. Psht. Okay!!"

"This coming from the nerd who's actually a hot roller derby brute of a CHAMPION!!"

"Hot aye?" I asked.

"Ew guys! A dad is in the room!" My dad fake gagged.

"Oh please. We all know Indie has looks. Pops, you and I just have to fight those guys off!" Robbie said.

"Yah.. Okay, screw this boyfriend shit, we just got into the tournament!!" I shouted and hugged both my dad and my best friend.

"Yo DieStruction." said the Jammer for the LadyKillers, the team we just played. I turned to look at her.

"Nice job out there. Your fast, plus you deserved it. Nice job kid." she smiled and gave me a friendly punch on the shoulder.

"Thanks, you too!" I smiled. Derby girls could be competitive during a Jam,but after, we are Ll friends. Well most of us.. I turned back around to Robbie and my dad.

"Okay can we please get out of here now? I have homework to finish!" I begged.

"Now there's my good girl I know and love!" Robbie said while wrapping his arm around my neck and leading me out after my dad. On the way, I felt a hand that was a bit.. Um, well they squeezed my ass. I quickly turned, fist out and ready to punch when I noticed the usual perv, Scotty.

"Nice job out there Indie" he winked at me.

"Don't call me that. It's for my family and friends only. Got it? Next time you grab my ass, I won't hesitate. We clear?" I fumed.

"Ooh. Feisty. I like it." he purred.

"Disgusting." I muttered and skated away with Robbie following. As we got to the car, I changed out of my skates and hopped in the back as Robbie got in the front. My dad started the car and drove away.

I pulled my knee pads off. Then went to my elbow pads. I pulled on some sweat pants over my too tight, spandex, short shorts. My helmet was already in the trunk along with my White Quad rollerblades. I pulled off my shirt and got a nice whistle from Robbie. I then flung my shirt at his face and quickly pulled on a sweatshirt. I then moved to the front and noticed my black paint marks still on my cheeks.

"Wipe please?" I asked. I was immediately handed a wipe and got rid of the marks on my face. I then sat back down on my seat and put on my glasses.

"So any new injuries? That last push to the side looked painful." My dad asked concerned.

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot." I pulled up my sweatshirt and looked at my side to see the start of a large bruise.

"Eh. Nothing a couple days can't fix!" I said while poking it. "Ouch!"

"Yah dummy. That's what happens when you poke a bruise!" Robbie said.

"Eh. It feels funny! So imma keep poking it until it stops feeling funny!" I said.

"Sometimes your strength amazes me." Robbie muttered. I smiled and savored the moment of being the big shot derby girl. Because when we get back home, in a town 45 minutes away. I'd be living the life of a so-called good girl.


Robbie! -------------->

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