Loving Lunch Girl.

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Update one is in action!! I repeat!! This update is in action!! I’m doing this for you! FOR YOU!! I feel like I got that off a movie… HMMM. Can’t think of what it is so I guess I will just update. Swag and all of that other stuff I’m supposed to say.

“So what do you want?” He asked

“Um, I don’t really know. I guess if I were to choose it would have to be, maybe a Northern Lite Vanilla White Mocha Cooler, maybe. Yes.”

“You’re so basic.”

“Excuse me? I like Caribou coffee! It’s not my fault that bunches of other people like it too! It’s just good that way!”

“Yep, basic.” He said, getting out of the car and walking in to get my coffee. I am not a basic person! I mean if anything I’m normal, or quiet and under the radar. That’s not basic! That’s just how the cool people are doing it now days!

I’m kind of a lost cause.

But there is no way in heck that he gets to call me that and I just let him! I tightened my ponytail and fixed my blue sweater and, hey, khaki’s again. I got out of the car, after I was done with my internal battle of my being normal, and walked after him. I walked inside to see him already ordering, scratch that. He was already flirting, with the pretty girl behind the counter. I will be doing her a favor.

“Schnookems!” I said to Leo.

“Uh, what?” he asked giving me a look to stop. Ha! As if.

“Baby, I was going to wait in the car, but I missed you too much!”

“Indie, no. Can you just please stop? I’m in the middle of a conversation.” He said gesturing to the girl.

“Who’s this?” I asked angrily.

“I’m Jessica?” she said.

“Indie go away!” he said.

“Oh my god! Are you cheating on me with this-this-slut!?” I screamed.

“I thought you said you were single!” Jessica said.

“I am!” Leo said exasperated.

“Wait. So you’re breaking up with me? For her?!”

“We were never dating!”

“Jermaine! I gave you everything! And I mean EVERYTHING! Plus, I gave you my virginity!” Jessica choked on her own spit I assume?

“Excuse me? And you said your name was Leo!” Jessica said astonished.

“He obviously lied to you too! What kind of name is Leo anyways? It sounds like a big fat Lion. A big fat ugly Lion, who’s fat and ugly.” Yah. Pat on the back to me.

“You disgust me!” Jessica said. Let’s start the count? Indie: 1 Leo: 0

“No honestly! I’m not dating her!” Leo said. Wow, he’s desperate. Making him squirm is my new favorite thing to do.

“That’s right. Because I’m ending it right now! I never want to see you again! Except for when you give me my coffee!” I said.

“No honey, this one is on the house.” Jessica said.

“You are so sweet! I’m so sorry for calling you a slut. Thank you so much!” She handed me my coffee and I gave her a nice smile.

“Don’t ever call me!” I said to Leo and walked away back into the car. Free Caribou? I should do this more often. About ten seconds later, Leo walked out, glaring at me. Then he got in the car and continued to glare at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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