Cougars and Clothes, girl!

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I left hooked then kicked. The bag moved back to my dads hands.

"Good! And down." I moved back and went down to my hands for push ups.

"1..2..3...4..5..6..7..8...9..10. Up." I jumped up and went in for a right hook and a kick.

"Okay. Run down and back five times. Walk the last one." he said leaving the gym that was built in our basement.

I ran down and back, hoping that the wind would blow to the hairs at the back of my neck to cool down the hot sweat. Bross? Eh. Whatever, im too exausted to actually care. I finally got to the end of my down and backs and walked it off, hands on my head.

"Visitor!" Robbie shouted while entering the gym.

"Visitor should go home cause he pissed me off today!" I said breathily.

"But...I have your water bottle..." he said waving it in my face. I tried to snatch for it, but he was too quick.

"Forgive me?"

"Fine. Just give me water!" I groaned. He stuck it out at me, I went to grab it but he pulled away again.

"Um.. You need to tutor Leo again."

"So I guess my only choice is to die of dehydration? Works for me."

"Indie! Please!"




"But what if I-"

"Even then I wouldn't."

"I'll tell-"

"Tell them! Tell everyone! I don't care. I'm not doing it!"

"I'll get my mom-"

"No! Not this time bucko!" I said snatching my water bottle and going upstairs. I stopped at the voice of none other than,

Robbie's mom, Jennie.

"Indie! I know you think Robbie is your brother, but when you are strutting around in a sports bra and spandex my son is attracted to you no-matter what! That whole sibling thing goes out the window! Your not actually blood related so it could happen now! Ya hear me?! Cover yourself up! What if a stranger walked throuh the door-"

"What kind of a bozo walks through a locked door? I interrupt.

"Me. When I'm hungry! It's not that hard to pick!" She shot at me. Everyone looked at her.

"Oh please! It's okay when teenager's walk through my door and eat all my food, but I can't do that to a teenagers house? Psht yah! Okay."

"I'm gonna go shower.." I said slowly walking up the stairs.

"Okay honey! When you come back, you better be fully clothed!" She smiled while chopping up some chicken to put in her pot pie. "Or else I'm gonna shove this pot pie in your ears and stab you with a knife! I ain't need my wittle Robbie seeing all of a womans body part! He is just too young! It's nastay! Like your face! Haha. I'm funny."

Urm Yah. Love Robbie's mom.

After my third shower for the day, another change of clothes and a sore legged walk down the stairs, I arrived to the table for Jennie's dinner/

"I hope your hungry sweetie! And I'm glad you could change Miss Prostitute!" Jennie said while snapping her fingers multiple times.

"Haha. Stop it. I'm dying." I deadpanned. I sat down next to Robbie and dug in.

"You know for a pretty girl, you have an ugly appetite. You don't act very lady like at all!" Jennie said.

"Thanks!" I smiled with food in my mouth. Everyone else just ate like normal people. Too bad I'm not normal! I'm a crazy mother effer! I noticed Robbie clear his throat, look at his mom and nod his head towards me. Oh. Here we go.

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