Stupid School-girl.

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"Okay now I'm going to go see Blake, Mick, and Leo. Are you alright on your own?" Robbie asked.

"Are you going o do this every time?" I asked. He just looked at me waiting for my answer. I rolled my eyes. He's been asking me since the beginning of the school year if i'll be alright on my own. Every time I'd answer,

"It's school dumb ass. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to learn!" Then he would roll his eyes, we would get out of the car and walk to the entrance of school, but as I entered the building, he would wave and go to the side of the school to where Blake Nicholson and Mick Bryons were. Also including his new-ish friend as of two years, Leo Jacobs.

Today was no different.

Blake Nicholson is the blondie. He was dumb as bricks. I honestly don't understand what girls see in him. Like sure, he's cute, but it's not all about looks ladies. That's what gets you on the corner. And trust me when I say you aren't going to find your true love there.

Mick Bryons is the smart brunette. Not as smart as me, but that's the kind of thinking a girl is supposed to endure! I understand more why a girl would like him, but I haven't seen him really after any one, besides the occasional one night stand. Mick and I were acquainted. We team up on projects and things, but that's only because we don't want to get stuck with someone who makes us do all of the work.

These two have been Robbie's best guy friends since the fifth grade. That's the only reason I know so much about them, but even then we don't really talk. I doubt they even realize how close Robbie and I are. I like to hide it from people, but they know Robbie and I are sort of friends, when really we are each others best friends.

And yes folks, I hide our friendship. Not him.

To every one else, Robbie just gives me a ride to and from school because he's a decent guy and we live a few blocks away. We don't have lunch at the same time and no classes, because i'm advanced. Robbie also has "family night" every Saturday, when really he's supporting me at my Roller Derby competitions. Yeah, Robbie and I were close. He's my only friend, so ya... Sad. Im a loner, but I like it that way.

Then comes Leo. Leo just came here two years ago. Iv'e never actually met him. Seen him? Yeah. He's the "mysteious" one that's always with Robbie and the boys. He's supposedly a boxer. I've also never seen him fight. Then again, why would I? I guess every girl wants him because, "Oh my god! He's just so sexy and bad!" As I've mentioned, guys like him will one day dump you on the street because he's still hot, and you're not. The you will have no home, job, friends, or money and will have to sell your body on the corner. Let this be my warning and from now on, it's not my problem if that's how you end up chi-ca!

The bell rang signaling lunch. I got my food in line. I put in my lunch code to the cafeteria lady and walked away to find a table. I just walk to any table. People usually get up and leave, don't want to be sitting round with a freak, ya know! It actually benefits me! I can sit wherever I want and people won't even talk to me! Gosh I loved solitary confinement! Weird right? I take it as a compliment.

Well anyways, as I was walking to a table, Bethanie came into view.

"Oh! It's the lonely loner girl gonna go sit at an empty table alone again?" She ask making Fake Bitch one and Fake Bitch two laugh. Her sentence was stupid. Could she possibly say that I sat alone, just one more time please?

"Yup. Bye now." I said walking past her.

"Wait!" She yelped grabbing onto my arm. I had a huge bruise on it from last weeks Derby so I flinched back. She smiled as she found my slight flinch as a way to make fun of me.

"What happened? The loner cut herself too deep?" She joked. That joke wasn't even funny, yet it made Fake Bitch one and two laugh.

"Ya, actually. I saw you at the mall the other day and was so scared of your face, I conflicted self harm." I deadpanned.

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