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I like this gif a lot


Calum instantly looks up from the tree to me, his phone, and then over again. I quickly close my mouth and grab Calum's phone off the couch before he could reach it.

"Give me my phone, Belle." I hear Calum behind me and I dodge his hands and start walking to no room in particular.

I type in the password he used to have when we were dating but it doesn't work.

I'm offended.

"Give me my fucking phone." Calum keeps his voice low but says it with as much power as if he was yelling.

We end up in the kitchen when I glance up and I quickly run behind the island so now we're standing across from one another. "Tell me your password first."

Calum places his hands on the counter and glares at me through his dark eyelashes. "Fuck no. Give me my damn phone."

I wave his phone around in front of him in a taunting manner and he reaches out to grab it but I quickly snatch it back.

"I just wanna know what baby girl texted you, you cheating pig!" My voice raises a little bit and my eyes widen in shock when Calum's hand comes across my mouth.

I lick his hand to see if he will move it but instead he shrugs and gives me a dumb look.

"Ow–dammit, Belle!" Calum draws his hand back after I bit his palm really hard. Calum closes his eyes and takes a breath before opening them up and lean across the counter with his hands flat on top of it.

"Do you really wanna know what baby girl said?" The anger and annoyance in Calum's brown eyes starts to fade away when I stare at him and nod quickly.

"Alright go ahead then." Calum crosses his arms causing his muscles to flex. I quickly advert my gaze somewhere else, not wanting to boost his ego, and go back to his phone.

"You changed your password, dimwit." I glance back up to him to catch his eyes gazing at me.

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"It's my phone and I'm pretty damn sure I know my password."

"I'm damn sure you don't."

Calum places his large hands over his face and groans super loud. He walks around the island and I eye him suspiciously as he stands semi behind me.

"It's 8/15/10, the time we started dating." Calum's body presses closer against me and I bite my lip to keep the gasp from slipping out my mouth.

I could've sworn I typed 8/15/10. I confidently type the password in and it unlocks. Oh, so I just forgot the zero at the end.

"Now let's see what my cheating ex-husband talks about." I open up his messages and tap on baby girl as Calum presses himself harder against me.

"We're still legally married, Belle."


from baby girl: sup yo

to baby girl: stop trying to be cool ashton, it isn't gonna work

from baby girl: yes it will
from baby girl: and oi, at least I don't have to try hard like you

to baby girl: I'm the coolest cucumber, I don't need your advice

𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔬𝔯𝔠𝔢𝔡 • 𝔠.𝔥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora