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"You didn't what?"

I push Calum off of me and watch his face turn confused as I wrap the sheet around me tighter.

"I didn't wear a condom, what's the big deal?" Calum sits up on his elbows and looks down at me with irritation starting to form on his face.

I shake my head as thoughts race around my mind. I'm not ready to be a mother. I don't know the first thing about babies and definitely not parenting. Is Calum even ready? He's never even been around children. The only time he's been around kids is when we were in the park and e got kicked in the ankle by one. Oh god, we're both gonna fuck up this child and we're going to take the blame.

"I'm scared." My voice comes out shaky causing Calum to sigh and lay back down next to me.

"There's nothing to be scared about, babe. We're going to be great parents and everything will be ok. Plus, we're rich! So we can get her anything she wants." Calum smiles his beautiful smile.

I turn on my side and scoot closer to Calum as he places his hand on my hip above the sheets.

"You want a girl?" A smile makes its way on my face. Calum observes my face and nods while mumbling a "yeah".

Calum pulls me closer to him, causing my head to fall on his chest and feel him tangle his legs with mine.

"What if it's a boy?" I ask after minutes of silence. Calum's heartbeat is calm and steady which calms my previous nerves down.

"I would love him as much as Ella."

I give Calum an amused look as he chuckles at my facial expression. "Ella?"

"Yes. That's her name, everything else is irrelevant." Calum states and we both laugh together. Calum's hand comes up to my face and feel his fingers trace my lips.

"Ella Marie Hood. Has a ring to it, am I right?" I nudge Calum in the ribs resulting in a giggle. I raise my eyebrows at the sound and my insides does flips when I see his smile.

I almost forgot how ticklish he was.

"Belle I know what you're thinking, so for the love of god please don–HAHAHA."

I don't let him finish his sentence and tap my fingers all over Calum's exposed ribs and stomach.

"Fuck you!" Calum screams while laughing uncontrollably and trying to get my hands away from him. I straddle Calum and stop my previous actions, leaning forward to Calum's ear.

"You already did." I surprise myself by licking a stripe up on Calum's neck, feeling him shiver underneath me.

"Holy shit, that might've been the hottest thing you've ever done." Calum grips my hips and moves my long hair to one side before placing a kiss on my neck.

"Want me to do something else?" I sexily whisper in his ear and feel his friend twitch. My hands travel from his shoulder, down his abs, and finally towards his lower region as Calum digs his nails into my skin the further down I go.

"Ok but hurry, we're supposed to be downstairs for dinner." Calum speaks quickly before pulling the covers over our naked bodies as we both quietly giggle and fill the room with our sounds of happiness.


"I thought you two were never coming down! Everyone is almost done with their food." Joy greets us as Calum and I both walk in our dining room, his arm slung around my shoulder.

The soft lighting in the room puts me at ease and I walk over to the empty seat across from Mali as Calum sits in the other empty seat next to her. Mali wiggles her eyebrows at Calum and he just rolls his eyes but a faint blush creeps up on his cheeks.

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