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yesterday was the 5th anniversary,, im shookt. their gift to us by releasing their old music ???
i ! love ! them ! so ! much !
(follow my twitter, its great : drearymya)

Stop fucking recording and get your ass over here!" I scream at Calum from the hospital bed.

Calum smiling while recording everything doesn't help the bright lights, the intimidating doctors surrounding me, and my constant pain at all.

"Aw, your mummy is a little bitch right now. I don't know if I should comfort her or leave her by herself." Calum smiles bigger and points the camera at me.

I flick the camera off but grasp at the sheets when a another surge of pain goes throughout me.

"Why isn't the fuckïng medicine working!" I shout at the doctors and nurses who's getting their gloves and stuff on.

"Please calm down ma'am. You guys took too long to get here so now it's too late for numbing medicine, I'm sorry." A short lady dressed in purple rubs the back of my hand with her own.

I snap my glare to Calum and see him trying to hold back his giggles. "I told you to speed, you motherfucker."

"Stop swearing!"

I look over to the new voice and see Ashton. He's dressed in the usual pair of jeans and a purple shirt.

"Fuck you, asswipe!" I point my finger at Ashton and watch him let out a high pitched giggle before standing next to Calum as they both laugh at me.

I throw my head back when the pain visits me again and I hear the doctors make loud, conversations amongst each other, taking there sweet fucking time. I couldve sworn i heard one of them ask about a football game.

"Ok Mrs. Hood, start pushing!" The male doctor says in his thick, British accent while he sits between my open legs.

"Ashton, get over here since Calum is being a dick!" I reach out to Ashton and he shrugs and walks my way.

"I wouldn't do that Ash."

"Why not? I'm just holding her han–shit!" Ashton yells when I start squeezing his hand very tight.

I don't care that I'm hurting him at the moment, I'm the one who's in the most pain anyways. Beads of sweat form over my forehead and the lady in purple dabs my face with a towel.

"Belle, this hurts!"

"Keep pushing, almost here!"

"Shut the fuck up, a human is coming out of my vagina!"

"Sir, are you alright?" I hear a doctor say.

"Fuck–ow, Belle! Calum passed out–you're squeezing tighter, how's that even possible!" Ashton practically screams.

My eyes are screwed shut and all I hear are a bunch of noises mixed with my screams of pain. I release a deep breath when the pain suddenly stops and I feel relief wash over me.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hood, welcome your new baby boy." The doctor who was delivering the baby stands up and I spot a naked, chubby faced, baby.

The room becomes filled with claps and cheers as everyone crowds around my vagina.

"Cal–where's Calum?" I don't see him in the room anywhere, but I never saw him leave either.

"He's. On. The. Fucking. Floor." Ashton wheezes out and tries to pry his hand out of mine as he's kneeled beside my bed.

"Sorry." I quickly retract my hand from his and watch him let out a breath and scrambling away from me with big eyes.

"We'll get him ma'am, it's ok. Just take a look at your brand new baby!" The lady in the purple has my baby now and she slowly walks over to me, putting him in my arms.

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