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As I woke up, I felt like someone is staring at me. I looked around the room when I sat up. I left the cabin. When I got out, Trunks was already talking to Broly's dad. I came over.

"Hey Goku," Trunks said. "This is Paragus. He said he never had came here before, so he got lost until he found this camp site. He is just asking for directions."

"Oh ok," I said. I walked to my cabin to get my scouter. When I went back out, I told Trunks that I will go somewhere for a bit. Then I flew away.

~~Few minutes later~~

I went to my parents house and walked in.

"Goku, how are you?" I heard. I looked to see who said that. It's my older brother Raditz.

"I'm doing fine," I said in response.  As I started to walk away, he grabs me by my arm. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Is there anything you aren't telling me?" I hope he doesn't know what happened with that gang.

"Mom told me what happened with you," he said. I'm surprised you even gotten away. What else happened that you didn't tell mother?"

"I-I-I told everything what happened to her."

"Are you sure?" Raditz got closer.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now just leave me alone."

"If you say so," Raditz said while leaving. I went up to my room and just wonder what's happening with Broly. I wish I didn't the things I had said to him.

I grabbed a bag and put some clothes, medical stuff, and some food. I went back to the camp. As I got to the camp, Trunks wasn't there.

"Trunks, Trunks. Where are you?" I put the bag in the cabin that I'm in. I had walked into the forest that was surrounding the campsite.

As I walked deep into the forest, I found a river. I took off my clothes and went in to wash myself. After a few minutes, I have a horrible headache.

"Damn this headache," I hissed. I went out of the river and put on my clothes. "I should go back to the cabin so I can rest."

I went into the cabin. I felt like I was burning. I looked into the mirror and I saw my eyes and hair were changing colors. My hair and Eyebrows went from black to dark purple while my left eye turned brown to red and the other eye turned blue. I checked my tail and it was also purple.

"Goku, Goku!" I heard outside the cabin. It's Trunks and Krillin. I went outside to meet them.

"Goku, what's with the different look?" Krillin asked.

"I don't know. I went to go swimming in a river near by. Then, I got a horrible headache. So, I came back here to rest, but I felt like I was burning." I then felt  dizziness. I stumbled back a bit.

"Goku, are you feeling okay?" Krillin asked.

"We should bring you to your parents." Trunks said. I fell dizzy and I then fainted.

~~some time passes~~

When I woke up, I sat up. I looked around and saw that I was at my parents house. I gotten up to go to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were there.

"Goku, you're awake," mom said. Mom went up and hugged me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better," I responded. "How long was I out for?"

"Three days," dad says while walking away.

"Just leave your father alone for now. Krillin and Trunks told us what happened."

"Do you know what's wrong with me?" I asked her.

"Well...." Mom paused for a moment. "Certain saiyans get this  called Nova that cause them to look different. So far it only change the color of the eyes and the hair and fur. Its very rare. I wan-..."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked while interrupting her.

"The royal family likes to study on the people who have Nova. I afraid of that. Also Nova can cause the other saiyans to be interested in you." I had thought of Broly when she said that.

"No way mom. That will never happen." I looked down so she won't look at my face.

"Just go to your room," mom said. I went into my room. I locked the door and moved my dresser in front of it. I then snuck out of the room and went to the cabins.

~~Few minutes later~~

When I got there, I looked around.

"Trunks! Krillin! Are you guys here?" I yelled for my friends but it seems they're not here. I continued to walk around.

"You're friends left. They were talking about you," a voice called out behind me. When I looked behind me and saw Paragus was there. He looked at me. " It seems you got Nova."

"So what if I have Nova?" I said furiously.

"You should be careful," Paragus said while walking away. I walked to the other way and went into the forest. I went back to the river that I was in before the Nova was activated. I then went back to the cabins. As I walked near the cabins, Paragus signaled me over to be in the cabin he was in. I came over and saw that Broly was there, severely injured.

"Let's him to my house," I said. "Nobody is suspected to be there at all." Paragus and I carried him carefully. When we came to my house, it was done being constructed. I opened the door. "Put him on the couch. I'll go get the medical kit."

~~an hour later~~

"Finally done," I said when finished attending Broly's wounds.

"Thank you," Paragus said.

"It's not problem." I looked back at Broly. I wish I could tel him I'm sorry for some of the things I have said to him when I was collected some of my clothes after my house got destroyed.

"Do you have an extra room I can sleep in?"

"Yeah, I do," I responded. I had gotten up to show him the room. I went back to put a blanket in Broly. I felt so bad for Broly.

"I love you, Broly. I truly do. Stay with me forever."

Hello this is ZessYuki. Sorry I took so long to update any of my stories or even post a new story. I got school and other stuff going on. Tell me in the comments of what you think of this chapter. Also do you want a cheater special that shows through Paragus point of view? Tell me in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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