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Chapter One - Birthday

Today is the day, My best-friends birthday, the day I will never forget. Lexi and I are packing ready to set off to Mystic falls to do what we do best, Surprise the person we love the most.

~Stefans POV~

I was going about my normal day to day routine when I hear a creak coming from  no where, then a whooshing went past me causing me to spin around confused, and again, and again when I was tackled to the floor by a blonde vampire, fangs out, veins showing under her eyes, I looked up in shock almost not believing the sight before me. "Lexi?" I questioned, almost to myself, "Don't forget me" I heard an oh so familiar voice say from behind me, I jumped up hoping I wasn't imagining this, the blood red hair, the piercing green eyes almost identical to mine standing there with her bottom lip sticking out in pout, "Rose?" I asked, "Happy Birthday Stef" Her and Lexi said at the same time, Best birthday present ever.

~Rose POV~

I and Lexi and Stefan were talking about how long we have not seen each other before we knew it, Damon walked through the door interrupting our catch up announcing to Stefan that it's time for school, "you go school?" I asked almost shocked at why Stefan would waste his time in school. Out of the blue Stefan asked me if I wanted to join him, thinking to myself, why not?


After a good ten minutes I was admitted into school and had my timetable and locker number in hand. "What your first lesson ?" asked Stefan. " History." I replied while looking down at my time table "I'll walk you, need to talk to Ric anyway" Stefan responded and we proceeded to History. After introducing myself to Mr. Saltzman I took a seat in the back waiting for the class to start, Sooner than expected the class was crowded with people and Mr. Saltzman started his lesson. Ten minuets into the lesson he was interrupted by a handsome boy with dark brown hair and dark hazel eyes coming in late obviously irritated by the interruption he addressed the boy by saying "Kol, Thank-you once again for coming in late, please take a seat" "You're welcome" He replied with a smirk, carrying on taking notes he took the seat next to me "Kol, who might you be? I've not seen you here before" He asked getting straight to the point "Rose Star." I replied simply but it was the next sentence that took me by surprise "You're human you have a heart beat I can hear it but you're eyes they're so much older" he replied in a quiet tone, Without responding I gathered my things and walked out of the classroom hoping to find Stefan and get some answers.

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