Chapter 4 - The Investigator

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It was a really long wait at the station and tiring for all of us. We couldn't believe that Vojtĕch died. Andreas was writing some notes for the girl. We did not know Kornélia so we feared of her. The German was looking in both directions to see when the young lady's car appeared in the horizon. As I was crying, someone was starting to tap my shoulder. I looked up and a young, elegant and charming lady was standing behind me. I looked down and saw a holster with a gun in it. Next to her, her husband stood with their packs. I recognised him immediately. It was Krzysztof Miętus, the Polish ski jumper from the B-team.

"Hello! Are you František Holík?" she asked me.

"Hi... Yes, that's me."

"Okay. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kornélia Erzsébet Frida Szigetváry" she continued and shook my hand. "Please receive my condolences"

"Thank you... Can I hug you?"

"Sure. It is okay." she told me and gave me a big hug.

The Pole was talking to Andreas Wank. They got on well. Then, Krzysztof hugged all of us to give a little comfort. We had the hardest time possible. We found Vojta lying dead in the forest. We made a decision that we wouldn't take part at the Summer Grand Prix competition to mourn Vojta. Kornélia and Krzysztof were helping us in everything possible. She and the Pole asked for the notes made by Andreas Wank. He gave it to her with some photos. He also told her that Vojta's clothes from his torso to his hair were wet.

"I am quite sure that he was killed by someone who hated him." Kornélia said "But first I want to see him."

"Are you sure? It was enough for us." Damian asked anxiously.

"Number one rule: Kornélia is the one who asks during an investigation. Yes, she wants to see him." Krzysztof replied.

"Kornélia, if you need help during your stay, we try to do our best." Richard said in German

"You don't need to do it. I just need to have the folder of the deceased and to stay for the time of the investigation.." she replied with a perfect German.

"We don't have any folder of Vojta." Honza told her.

"Then, you are the one who will make one for me, please." she gave the instruction to the really surprised Czech. "I need his data: date and place of birth, date and place of death, cause of death, age, nationality, relationship status, names of the parents and girlfriends, relationships between the teammates and these are all I need first and foremost. Please write readable otherwise you will rewrite as many times as needed."

"I am terribly sorry Frida but there is some better for this role." Honza commented while pointing at me. "Fanda writes in really nice and readable way."

"Her name is Kornélia not Frida." Damian said in a pissed off manner.

"Well, let me introduce myself again... My name is Kornélia Erzsébet FRIDA Szigetváry. Jan can call me Frida as he wishes but you already seem suspicious by your behaviour, my dear Damian Lasotá." she replied back in the same way. "Thank you Jan for recommending František for this role. So, Mr. Holík will you be that kind and do it for me, please?"

"Y-yes. Sure, miss." I replied. "Can I have a question to you?"

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Where are you from and why do you have three names?"

"I am from Hungary and my full name is Countess Cornelia Elizabeth Frida von Szigetvár in case you are wondering. I use only the Kornélia Erzsébet Frida Szigetváry version. You can call me Kornélia only or Korni for short. It is fully up to your choice, František. If you want to call me Frida, that's also fine." she replied in calm and nice way. It seemed that she treats you as you treat her.

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