Chapter 10 - Monologue of František

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A year passed... and I am standing here at the grave of Vojta. I still can't believe that he is gone forever... He got to know the forever darkness too soon. His dreams were crushed and now he listens to the sound of silence down there to which we all will too. He is in a better place now. I know... I feel this. My dear friend didn't deserve the early death... Damian, why did you do this? Now, you can sit in prison for at least 15 years when you will be able to ask for a permission to go on a parole. You have to pay for your crimes.

Vojta, what should I tell you about what have happened in the past year. Well, a lot of things have happened. First of all, Filip took over your place in the World Cup team. He jumps really well nowadays. Every time he jumps, he usually looks up and points at the sky. He says that he wants to make you proud in heaven. Tell me, are you proud of him? I am sure you are. Are you smiling? I see it because the sun is shining.

To continue the good things, Richard's paper to name one of the Ještĕd hills after you. After 4 months, the mayor agreed on naming the Ještĕd A hill "Vojtĕch Štursa". Every August 3rd, we are having the Štursa Memory Competition. I think I have a good chance to be on the podium. I hope the best. Please cheer for all of us sends good winds. I know you would do it for us. You always wanted the best for us if it was possible.

Guess what happened to Tomáš, Honza and Češtmír? They founded a charity to help little ski jumpers who are in need. It was your idea but when Honza found your calendar in his house which you left, he knew what he must do. This is what you always wanted to do, so they named "Vojtĕch Štursa Foundation". At least, you can help them. You helped those who needed your help. I remember when you helped me getting used to the long distance from my family and the jetlag. Now, I am trying to cope with your loss. I think I manage. The tears of sadness are running down my cheek.

Continuing with Lukas and Jakub, they are doing well. Don't worry about them. They are perfectly fine. They are spending a lot of time with us. Jakub is working hard to help the Honza to learn stuff to manage the foundation. Honza says that it is bit tough but he is strong and works hard on helping the youngsters.

If I remember well you loved our medium and investigator Kornélia. Well, I have awesome news about her and Krzysztof as well. They are raising their second baby boy. They gave the name Vojtĕch to him. They got the chance to give it in Czech. So, the little gentleman wears your name in honor of your memory. He also got two Polish names. Do you want to know his full name? I hear your voice saying yes... Well, the full name is Andrzej Tadeusz Vojtĕch Miętus. I know... I know it is super duper long but you know that Kornélia is a countess so this is a custom in the girl's family. Kornélia asked me to be the little boy's godfather. Krzysztof secretly wanted a girl but the second child happened to be a boy as well. To be honest, I am happy that I am seeing them in high spirits. Sometimes, Kornélia plays on her violin to calm the boys down. The little Vojta falls asleep so easily when she is playing on her beloved instrument.

I do not know if you know about her but one of her hobbies is actually making small sculptures and painting them. She already made a small Sturczy for your Vera. Now, she is planning a man-sized sculpture of you. A 177 cm tall and hand painted version of you, my best friend for your high school in Nové Město na Moravě. They want to put in the hall of the school. Kornélia told that she needs 4 or 5 months to complete the statue. I saw the plans. She will create you in a jumping suit with the helmet and skis in your hands. I am looking forward to see the final version.

Finally, it is my turn. I am still recovering from your loss. I got used to the fact that I can speak with ghosts. I was also making something creative in honour of you as I won't forget you till the day I die. It took a lot of months of brainstorming. Finally, the idea was born. It is a plaque with a poem which was shown to me by Andreas Wank. It is "Away" by James Whitcomb Riley. But first please let me to put a small bluebottle bouqet on your grave then the plague with the quote:

"Think of him still as the same, I say:
He is not dead- he is just away!"

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