Chapter 6 - One of them is lying... But who?

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As I was sleeping in my bed, I dreamt about many-many things. I forget most of my dreams but one from the second day of losing Vojta is in my head forever. I was at the little spring of Hinterzarten when Vojta splashed me with the ice cold water. He was joking as always. I came closer to him and he pushed me into the water. I almost froze to death but somehow it was warm when Vojta came closer and closer to me and he splashed me again. Then I woke up and went out of my room.

"Are you awake too?"

"Ah!" I screamed "Yes, I am. Tomáš is that you?"

"Yeah. Did you dream with Sturczy?"

"Yes, I did. Did he splash you as well?"

"Yes. Isn't it strange that we dreamt with him?"

"No! I was the one who sent this dream." the voice from the hill said.

Suddenly, a door opened. Both of us screamed from top of our lungs. We scared the crap out of Kornélia who slept with a braid. She was awake at 5 am as we were. She couldn't sleep as she was a bit sick. She went back to the room as she felt like she was going to vomit. In fact she did and came back to us and asked what was going on. I told her that we dreamt with Vojta and asked if she was well. She said she was fine. It was just a regular thing when the thing was on. She felt dizzy as usual. That was only the problem she had. We gave her water and got dressed. All of us were ready in the same time. We laughed a lot on ourselves. It was funny to do our daily routine in a synchronized way. We went down the hall where we found Viktor with the bus keys in his hands. He didn't sleep as much as we did.

"I can't believe that Vojta is gone. Is this a dream?" he said to us.

"It is not a dream. Unfortunately, it is real."

"I wish we could find the murderer." Viktor sighed.

"We will... don't worry?" Kornélia tried to reassure him. "Should I drive to Freiburg as you look a bit tired?"

"Would you? I am very pleased." Viktor gave her the keys and we left a note to the others about our trip to Freiburg.

To be honest, it was the hardest journey to Freiburg for me. I was shaking so hard that I knew what we were going to see, Vojtĕch lying in a very cold box with cuts on his body to find the case of the death. Kornélia was strong as usual and told us what to expect and advised not to come in the room. She wanted us to remember Vojta as he was alive and joking around. His skis were still in the car which reminded me of the fact that his murderer was still on large. We arrived to Freiburg and she got off the car. She went to the morgue where a doctor looking man waited for us. We all went in the building. The man mentioned that it was pretty easy to tell how Vojta passed away.

"The case of death is drowning... A homicide happened." he told us.

"Kornélia, what is a homicide?" Viktor asked with his weak English.

"Homicide means killing a person as a criminal act. Vojta didn't commit a suicide."

"So, you are on the case to find his murderer."

"Yeah. It is my duty to give justice to Vojta and his family. I counted you as well in family"

We went to the room where they kept our friend. Kornélia asked if we really want to see Vojta. We nodded and the guy pulled him out. It was shocking to see him again. He never joked again nor scared us to hell. He was one of my best friends... he was the BEST of the bests. I sighed and told him that we will find who did it no matter how many months we need. I started sobbing like a child who broke a toy.

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