Chapter 1 Growls and Rumbles

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I woke with a start, Shard stood over me. His baggy coat was soaked, and he was dripping water all over my tired body. "Get up!" He snarled, "Get up or I'll call for Alpha!"

He then threw his body weight into me as an attempt to make me move, but I didn't budge. Shard spat on the ground in frustration and left the den.

I'm used to this behaviour, no one treats be like a true wolf. They treat me like crap, probably because I'm omega. But that's just how it works in the wolf world.

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Today I'm supposed to clean out the guardian den as well as my own. Although, I often skip my duties. Alpha can throw anything he wants at me, so what? He can even freaking kill me if he wants, I don't care! Although I'm sure he wouldn't either.

I let out a half sigh half groan. If Alpha doesn't kill me then maybe I'll do it myself. I glanced at the mountain in the distance. Maybe I could climb the mountain and throw myself off? A fall from that height would be instantaneous death. Or maybe I could find a way inside the mountain itself, and whatever's in there could kill me, I'm sure. Whatever's inside is always growling and making the ground shake and rumble. It must be very powerful to do what it does, powerful enough to kill me.

I left the cave and headed out to the territory borders. As I left, the ground shook slightly, and a low, long growl could be herd.

I don't want to sound pathetic and all, but that thing frightens me.

A new scent had wafted through the air; and it wasn't a pleasant one. It wasn't the good old collection of the forest scents. It was strange, hard to describe. It was a mixture of sulphur, smoke, and other harmful chemicals. In other words,

It was a scent that promises danger.

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I hesitated, wondering if I should go back. Sure I was mistreated there, but at least I was safe. Yet, a nice beating awaited me, and I was not looking forward to it.

So I kept going.

Thought I would head out to one my my favourite spots, the geysers. These huge pillars of water shoot up into the sky from the ground beneath! It's fascinating, and if it weren't for the geysers, I would have no liking for the spot in the first place.

Although lately, the water that shoots up has been scorching hot, I touched it once, still have the scar.

Perhaps that is why the furless never visit here no more. This place was a tourist attraction, so there were always furless arriving to see the sights. But not recently.

It must be the mountain, it must. I can't think of any other logical explanation for this unusual disappearance of the furless.

And it's no doubt that even other animals flee from the mountain. Creatures that were said to be fearless like bears and other apex predators.

But the most intriguing part was the question, why?
Why were they so frightened? What were they frightened of?
And......did they know something I didn't?

I was so busy pondering that I didn't notice the ground beginning to shake, except for when it was too late.

There was a long growl, and water suddenly burst from the geysers, and no, it wasn't the usual amount. I pricked up my ears, trying to detect where the danger was coming from, but it was everywhere.

It was like the ground itself was attacking, there was risk every step you took, and even more of you stood still.
One word was screaming inside my head, RUN!

I ran, desperate to escape the geysers and the ground itself. But you can't, you just can't. There's no way to escape it. I thought I was done for.

But then I herd it.

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