Chapter 2 Pain and Agony

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It was the most awful, dreadful thing I had ever herd in my 7 years of living. So was the smell, the smell that gently wafted through the air was now all I could smell.But wait. No. There was something else, something even worse. It was the scent of death itself. 

All senses That's cause it was. I raced back to the cave, ground shaking beneath my feet. I was desperate to save my pack from the terrible fate that awaited them. But I was too late. My eyes filled with fear as I gazed upon my once beloved home that was now a heap of rocks on the ground. There were a few puddles of blood scattered around, and my home had caved in. Everyone inside it had died. My home I thought. Now I know why those wolves and hare and deer and bears left. I felt the tears pouring down my face, and I knew what the punishments would be for crying or showing any signs of defiance. But I cried (for the first time in my life) openly, no fear of being beaten or starved. The GreatClaw had ended now, with disastrous results. Although my pack had treated me so poorly, they were the only home, even family I had ever known. "And now they're gone" I whispered to myself. I glanced over at the mountain in the distance, still growling and rumbling. I knew what I had to do. I had to leave this place, and fast. But where would I go!? The sun had set, and the moon was rising. I jumped onto a rock and prepared to howl, howl a song. It felt so good to howl openly like this, for I was never allowed to sing with the others. I looked up at the moon, and began my song:

Oh, the ground was shaking, the rocks were failing, and when I herd that boom. I glanced back over, through the trees and clover, I rushed on over for you...

I must have sang my mournful howl all night long because, eventually the sun started to rise in the distance. I knew I had to go, but I had no idea where. I just knew I had to get away from that huge mountain, which was making gurgling noises now.

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