Chapter 3 The Falcon

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Tired from the howling, I awkwardly hopped off the rock, grunting. I glanced up at the sun, which was still rising, turning the sky a beautiful Rosy pink. I got no sleep last night, I regret staying up now. I felt so groggy and terrible. Right there at that moment I hated my life. I groaned and slowly walked on. Then it hit me: where would I get any prey!? They all left! I started freaking out. I don't want to starve! The panicking slightly woke me up to be honest, and eventually, I carried on. I missed the sweet scent of the forest, for it was replaced with the scent of sulphur and smoke. I started running, although I was still tired, I had to get away from here.

                 I was hungrier than I had ever been before. My stomach felt like it was going to explode.

After walking a little bit more, I spotted movement in the branches above. I glanced upward. Food. I thought. I had to do this well, or I would miss the kill.
It had been so long since I had hunted really, since I was kept in the cave all day, fed scraps and only really going out for a drink.( And when I snuck out. ) I had never tasted bird before. This should be interesting. I said to myself. I crouched down low, trying to make as little sound as possible. I had to depend on instinct for this kill, since I had so little experience. It had not seen me yet, so I crept into a bush, making as little sound as possible and waited. Eventually the little falcon started to head down the tree, one little jump at a time. I started to stress, if I don't eat now, I'll starve. I told myself. I tensed as the falcon came within reach. Wait for it.... wait for it..... NOW! The words screamed inside my head and I instinctively jumped, claws out, on to the falcon, pulling it out o the tree. " No! Please!" It screamed. I loosened my grip. "Falcons can talk?" I asked in awe. "Of course we can! Now unhand me beast!" It said sassily. I snarled. "If I don't eat you I'll starve." "I just killed a rat! Please! Have the rest of it, Just don't kill me!" It squeaked in a sassy yet terrified way. "You just ate a rat? That makes you even more plumb and delicious." I growled. But there was something in it's eyes, something that just triggered something in me, and I let it go. You idiot. Now it will fly away, leaving you to starve! But the falcon stayed. In fact, it climbed the tree, grabbed the rest of the rat, and dropped it in front of me. "Wow" was all I could say. We just stared in each other's eyes for what felt like an hour. Finally I bent down and took a bite of that delicious rat. Although only half of it was there and it was starting to rot, it was one of the most of delicious things I had ever eaten in my life. Panting, I said to this mysterious falcon. "Thanks"  It shrugged, "so you wouldn't starve" it teased. I chuckled at the remark and replied."Name's Rachel." It looked at me funny then pointed out the fact that that was a furless name. I gasped. "Really?" Then I decided to play it's little sassy game."Oh and how do you know?" I said smirking. The falcon sighed and replied "I used to work with them." I was shocked. "How so?" I asked, quite fascinated. "They used me for something called 'war'. After being sent into battle multiple times, you understand what it means." It continued."I was fed up with the same routine everyday, I felt like I was going to go insane. So I escaped." " How did you get out? Where were you to begin with? What's a battle? I have so many questions!!" I barked excitedly."Look now is not the time. The volcano will blow in a few days time." The falcon scowled. "Volcano?" I had not the slightest idea what a 'volcano' was. "Volcano, you know, the giant mountain over there?" Ahh so that's what that was, a volcano. "What do you mean, it will blow?" "Well that Volcano is simply a time bomb. When it goes off, boom. This whole park is gone." The falcon smirked with the last remark. But I was shocked. "What do we do!?" I shouted. "What do we do?" The falcon repeated. "What do we do!? Look, I can stay as long as I want, I'll just fly away when it erupts! But you, heh, you better start running!" Suddenly fear hit me like an arrow of realization. That 'volcano' was going to blow, taking all of YellowStone Park with it.

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