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  • Dedicated to The Power of Five,

Come closer if you dare.

To a place called AlterStar.

A place in its own reality, outside of space and moves at it's own time.

Get enchanted by its beauty...but be very quiet.

Or you know who will get mad.

"Shhh the Oracle is about to speak."

"I wasn't talking!" a cat eared woman yelled.

"Hush Luba!" said an fat old man with a horn that resembling a deer antler growing out of his head.

The room became calm and hush.

"The Oracle has ordered to begin the ribbon ceremony."  said a woman in a bold voice whose hair reached the floor.

The Oracle walked slowly to the center of the white marble room with and golden box in his hand.

The box had five dragons and  strange hieroglyphics and symbols along the sides of it.

Each dragon being a different color, they were black, white, red, yellow, and lastly pink.

The box looked aged as if it was older than anyone in the room.

The Oracle long robe dangled behind him as foot by foot he stepped with a shot of rhythm.

The Oracle acted as if he was going to place the golden box down in midair, he did.

As the box levitated in the air the Oracle open the box, as soon as he undid the silver lock five different colored ribbons slipped out.

The ribbons moved in the air so gracefully like they were performers in a great ballet .

The ribbons danced in front of him.

One ribbon was fuchsia as the flower the color was named after.

One was blue as the sea.

Another ribbon was a bright orange bright as the sun.

The ribbon that slowest dancing was a light green almost yellow like how you picture a spring mist.

The last one, the swiftest was silver.

The ribbons made soft bewitching sounds, they were whispering to the bald man the others called Oracle, just as if only his ears were worthy of what they we relaying.

The light whispers went on for a what seemed as an eternity but who could tell, AlterStar moved at its own time.

Suddenly the ribbons stopped whispering.

The ribbon all moved at the speed of light back into the box.

The  ancient box closed shut after them with a strong force that jerked it out of power that was levitating it for a moment.

After this the box glowed and created nectarous charmed then at a instant vanished in a puff of smoke that smelled like the sea, fresh air, grass, static, and ash.

The sound of a heart beat thumbed through the entire room.

The Oracle looked at the council with a relieved and warm smile then he began to speak in his deep toned voice.

"There is an alternate universe."

"Where an rebellion is taking place."

"The force of good against an evil ruler."

"There are five ordinary kids on earth."

"Who must stand united."

"Who must fight this evil."

"And who must win."


W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now