~It resumed with W.I.T.C.H.~

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For the five that day as they fell asleep it felt as if the world was being flipped upside down.

Then they awoke.

One by One.


The covers on a queen size bed were, pulled back.

A boy is looking around very confused.

"These aren't my covers!"

"I have Batman covers."

"What the...."

"OK now what is happening, I'm going crazy that's what happening." He thinks.

"My name is Ar'Mer."

"I'm thirteen."

"I have a weird addiction to comic books."

Ar'Mer climbed out of the large bed.

It looks as if a king would sleep in it, it was the largest bed Ar'Mer had ever seen.

As the young boy walks to the door of the room he notices, the only thing he had on is gray boxer briefs and black socks.

Something tells him to go back to bed.

Ar'Mer pulls the covers back then sees his duffel bag for track.

"Oh good thing I never clean my bed off at home, that's weird that the things from there are here, ugh ok Ar'Mer get it together. "He says to himself.


After he dresses in his white T-shirt blue sweats, black sneakers then his favorite striped sky blue and dark blue jacket.

He opens the door.

Ar'Mer slowly inches his head out the door he sees four other doors.

"Which one should I go in first?" He says.

He shrugs his shoulders then decides to just go down the hall.

There's a big fire burning in the middle of a room.

The sounds of laughter came from one of the many other rooms that were connected to the fire pit room.

"No Ar'Mer don't do it." He says to his self while he still walks towards the room were the giggles came from.

What's drawing him there?

It feels like an invisible rope pulling him four different ways.

He peeks in, it's a dining room. They're four other kids sitting at a long table.

A light skin boy with curly low cut hair, that's what it looked like from the parts you could see, most of it was hidden under his backward green snap back.

There was a girl with long black hair with fair skin and a heart shaped face.

She wasn't really laughing just in deep thought, staring into space.

A girl with light brown skin and with long wavy purple hair was sitting at the table.

You could tell her hair wasn't dyed, I couldn't be, just look at her roots!

Her big circle glasses hide her pretty eyes and her long eyelashes.

There was another girl.

Those eyes, that hair, she was Asian for sure.

She had her hair pulled into two long pigtails that were down her back. She had big eyes and laugh was the loudest.

"Uh hello there..." The boy in the backward snapback said.

W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now