~It remained with Jacob~

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"July 12 2012, it was a Thursday."

"I was walking home from hockey practice."

"It was something I did to keep me out the house, but it's hard placing hockey in the summer."

"The Arizona weather was well Arizona-y."

"I wasn't from here me and Grams moved down here from Chicago a month ago."

"My Mom died ten years ago in a car accident."

"The car swerved off the road into a river on a cold day in January while it was raining."

"I was three."

"We were both in that car accident but only I made it out."

"Mom somehow got me out the car seat and out the car window that was rolled halfway down."

"I made it back to the land somehow I don't know I was only three but I guess it was God."

"It had to be right?"

"A police man who had saw the crash rushed down to help and found me laid out by the river."

"My Mom saved my life as it costed her own."

"Don't talk to me about my Dad you hear me!"

"Fuck him!"

"He doesn't care about me."

"That's why he left."

"He moved on, got married and had another kid."

"I love my little sister Ingrid she's three years old and she's the only thing my Dad did that was good when he left."

"I walked past the corner store. Uriah was standing in front of the store like all the bum teenage guys did."

"It's almost 6 o'clock Jay-key you better get home before grandma Lair gets mad." he said.

"Don't talk about my grandma asshole" I yelled back.

"A little boy across the street at the park was just staring at Uriah. Probably wondering how does one become an asshole like Uriah?"

"What the fuck do you want?" Uriah yelled at the poor kid.

"Slither back into the water." I yelled at Uriah.

"OK this is the part of the story where shit gets weird."

"As soon as I said slither back into the water a puddle of water that was a few inches away from me started to bubble then a skinny pillar of water roused out the water, made a left turn, made a right turn then I lie to you not."

"Sprayed Uriah right in the face."

"I had many questions like since when was I suddenly Aqualad"

I looked at the puddle again. "Stop" I said. "It did just that, it stopped bubbling"

"We all know what I did next, I mean what else do you do in a situation like that"

"I ran."

"I ran off so fast I swear I could smell the rubber bottoms of my Jordan's burning."

"2129 W Ian Dr, my address."

"I was just so freaking relieved to see my house."

"I opened the back door that was always unlocked and ran in."

"Hi Grams" I said as I ran up the steps.

"She laughed and asked why my "sweaty behind" was in such a rush"

"I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag and grabbed my towel."

"I had to know if I did that or not."

"I turned on the bathroom light and started to run the bath water."

"When it was ready I got in."

"I had a little pep talk with myself, just to get ready you know, get my game face on."

"I closed my eyes and said "Come on Jacob do it again."

"Fuck it, what am I doing with my life" "I'm sitting in a bathtub trying to be the little mermaid, yeah because every guy does that." I said as I opened my eyes

"The Water  was moving all around me in the air in swirls turning into all types of shapes."

"Yes! I yelled.
The water fell back into the tub.

"I got out the tub and put the towel around my waist."

"It was time to feed leafy."

"I went back to my room and but on some clean boxers and some basketball shorts."

"Leafy boy do I got something to tell you!"

"I can move water!"
"Now that I say it out loud it doesn't really seem that exciting"
"I can move water with my mind"

"I sprinkled the turtle food in his tank then rubbed his shell."

"I fell back on to my bed, I felt so tired I turned to my alarm clock it was like five thirty pm why was I so tired."

"Then I just closed my eyes and dreamed."

W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu