~It continued with Tara~

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"Great I could go to summer school now."
"No I'm not the delinquent Guardian with terrible grades."
"I like helping the teachers out during the summer and I get to study up for the next year."
"Also tutor the kids who can't afford real tutors or who parents just don't care."
"Just have to find my glasses, where did I leave them again?"
"Found them."
"On the stairs."
"Wow that's a first."
" Not really, I lied."
"I walked down the steps but I stopped at my family portrait."
"My beautiful Asian American Mom, standing by my Strong African American Dad and my big brother Peter with his long dread locks and then me standing right infront of him, smiling so hard."

"Hmm you're probably wondering...why I'm not Afro-Asian."

"Well since you've ask, I'll tell you."

"I'm adopted."

"Yeah so long story short I'm the "Tara comet baby."
"Thirteen years ago while asleep in my crib one of the smallest comet in documented history crashed into my house. Somehow I was still sleep, such a heavy sleeper baby me was. "

"You think I would have been burnt to ashes or at least look like a piece of coal in a stocking on Christmas day but I wasn't the comet actually saved me." "Anyway my birth parents decided to give me up for adoption, since it would have been quite a struggle trying to take care of me after our home was destroyed."

"Luckily Ting and Arnold Cooks were looking to adopt around that time." "At the orphanage they held me in their arms and feed me one time and knew they had to adopt me." (Or so they say. lol) "My Dad Arnold decided to name me Tara". (Tar-ah)

"Being hit by a comet came with prices."

"It affected my vision and it made my short and black baby hair, sprout long and dark purple and curly."

"I know I sound like an alien and all but I'm not I'm perfectly healthy I promise."

"My Lord, its hot in here." yelled my Mom.
"Tara are you hot?"

"No Ma'am" I told my Mom."
"I'm going to summer school now."

"My mom told me to be safe and gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead."
"It's you." My mom said.

"What's me?"

"It." My mom responded

"Mom what are you talking about."

"Tara your burning up." said my Mom.
"Go upstairs now!" "You might have a heat stroke outside you're not going anywhere."


"My Mom gave me a cold towel to put on my head, but I still felt the same not that that was bad I felt fine."

"Mom I don't think this is helping" I said.

"My Mom came to my room and then she stopped."
"Tara!" "The towel is steaming."

"What!" I said."

"There's steam coming off the towel!"
"Just get in your bed and rest. I'll be back with icepacks and another fan"


"I felt fine but to my Mom I was on my death-bed."
"My Mom called the doctor's office."
"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."
"In my bed I just rested and listened."
"I could hear my Mom worried sick about me."
"My Dad singing as he barbecued some meat on the grill and my brother trying figure out what was the best plan of sneaking out tonight."
"It was funny because they weren't talking."

"I was reading their minds."
"I don't know how but I was."
"I took of my glasses, pulled some pieces of hair out my face, shut my eyes, and fell to sleep."
"Dammit I missed summer school."

W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now