~It paused with Hay-Ly~

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"My name is Hay."

"Today will be the first day of my video diaries."

"I'm so excited!"

"I'm thirteen and I live with my parents Pam and Joe and my grandpa Yan."

"We own a Chinese restaurant and we live right above it, if you find yourself in Virginia Beach you should stop by and grab a bite."

"Wait stop let me explain, OK so before anyone gets confused my first name is Hay, my last name is Ly but everyone just calls me HayLy."

"My last name is pronounced Lee."

"My Dad last name is Drjeng so my last name should have been Drjeng too but my Grandpa convinced then to keep it Ly, he thought it sounded better that way."

"OK back to the video."

"Cupcake!" my grandpa yelled at me from down stairs.

"I turned the camera off, didn't want my old funky Grandpa embarrassing me online."

"Yes Grandpa" I yelled.

"You better come get these cookies, Joe been looking at them for about ten minutes straight without blinking."

"Hehe" I laughed. "OK coming Grandpa."

"I came down the steps with my socks on."

“Still didn't understand why in Asian culture you couldn't wear shoes in the house."

"Mom says it’s just so the carpet doesn't get dirty."

"Oh well.” “When I came down the steps I saw my Grandpa smacking my Dad hand away from my plate."

"Thanks Grandpa" I said.

"He gave me a big kiss on the check."

"Then handed me a cup of milk. I walked back up the stair then to my bedroom."

"I just spun around in my computer chair drawing aliens."

"I rolled over to the window and looked outside."

"I turned to the plate of cookies sitting on my bed and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie of my plate."

"Then dropped it into my cup of milk."

"I had a method for eating cookies."

"I drop the cookie in the glass of milk and when I see bubbles its ready to eat."

"I picked up the cookie out the milk and took a bite out of it."

"Then I felt a sneeze coming on."

"Ah.... Ah... Ah- Choo! Ah-Choo! Ah- Choo!"

"I sneezed, my windows opened and closed, then they just shattered!"

"My desk flew up and smashed against the wall which now had large cracks in it."

"My bed flew up and broke against the ceiling, my room was in a tornado."

"I was left in the middle of a disaster area."

“I ran out my room into the hallway”

"Grandpa I just wrecked my room."

"I went to his room and opened the door he was standing in front of his closet he was peeking inside."

"I could see a bright pink light shining through."

"Grandpa?"... "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"He turned around surprised.

"Then closed the closet door and backed up in front of it."

"Oh Hayly nothing darling, don't you feel tired after eating those cookies."

"What?" I said.

"Then I started to feel drowsy."

"Yea Grandpa I am." I yawned.

"Then the closet burst opened with the shinning pink light and the sweetest rings and charms I've ever heard in my life."

"Grandpa!" "What’s in there?" I screamed.

"Christmas presents, don't look." he said in a nervous voice.

"What are you giving me a bear with a spot light?" I said.

"Hehe." He laughed.

"Oh Hayly don't you feel like a nap."

“It’s only five o'clock but sure."

"I walked down the hall back to my room."

"Have another cookie!" my Grandpa yelled from his room.


"I did, I ate another chocolate chip cookie, and then I was asleep like a newborn baby."

"Wait did Grandpa just drug me?"

W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now