~It sustained with Katherine~

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"Daddy's credit card is a girl's best friend."

"Well for some girls, other girls don't even know the colors of the Dads credit cards."

"Today is going to be the perfect day. Dad and I are going to have Father-Daughter time."

"Without my Mother and my two-year old sister Lillian."

"I brushed my thick long black hair." My brush got stuck in some spots and I had to start over."

"As usual"

"It's always a hassle bushing this, sometimes I want to just cut it off but mother won't let me."

"My Mother is white and my Father is black."

"I'm as light as a Pringle potato chip, the original flavor."

"And I've heard all the jokes about mix girls already so save it."

"I'm taking too long"

"Well this conversation will have to finish later my Dads waiting for me."

"I put my brush down on my vanity and left out my bedroom."

"I looked at myself one more time in the mirror."

"I was wearing a cute long light pink skirt and a little light pink blouse."

"I'm Apostolic. it's a type of Christian religion."

"Just like how there's Baptist or Jehovah Witness."

"I love Jesus."

"Hopefully Jesus can lead me to this strange guy I've been dreaming about."

"The one I've always dreamed of since forever."

"I don't even know the guy but I want to spend every second of my life with him." His hair is so messy and he's holding a flower in his hand

"Apostolic girls are supposed to wear "dresses and skirts only"."

"Yes that means no jeans."

"It makes me feel like I'm Amish or whatever."

"No I don't think the skirts have to be that long."

"Also makeup is like forbidden."

"I guess I must be a rebel because I can't leave the house without my angel cloud lip gloss and come on everyone wears jeans so why can't I?" "You try wearing a dress every day of your life, it gets tired. So done. That's not what fashion is, you have to switch it up sometimes.

"Dad I'm ready" I yelled as I punched the elevator button.

"I live In an Condo hotel in New York or you could call it a Cotel, the elevator is built into your apartment and you have to use a special code for it."

"Did you pick up those clothes of the floor?" My Dad ask me.

"We both looked at each other."

"I put my bag down then went back down the hall to my bedroom."

"Oh my freaking goodness there's like eight piles of clothes."

"I wish had a fairy god mother."

"I want to be able to point my fucking finger at the clothes then at my closet then everything just goes poof."

"I act as if I really could do that, I pointed at the piles then at the closet door."

"I looked at the reflection of the room in the mirror."

"Out of nowhere I saw my clothes piles levitate up in the air then my closet door open then my clothes throw themselves in."

"I was so freaking happy".

"Damn it's like a witch or something!" I said to myself.

"This wasn't the first time this happened, over the past few days things have been "moving" on its own around me, but I've come to terms with it, there must be a ghost of an old maid or something in here"

"I left out my room then I met my dad in the car."

"Shopping was great and my Dad liked it too, I helped him pick out this new tuxedo for my mom and he's anniversary."

"The only flaw was that earthquake that happened when I was waiting in line to get into get a new flower-pot for lavender, Lavender is my Lavender flower."

"I was nine, it was the only name that came to mind, I couldn't think of anything better, stop yelling at me will yah."

"When we got home I had to call my best friend/God sister.

"Her name is Elyon."

"I had to let her know that the ghost was more active today."

"Too bad I feel asleep on the phone with her."

W.I.T.C.H.-Book 1: MetamorphosisWhere stories live. Discover now