♥Professor Black♥

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It was the first day of the school year and Narcissa was worried as she sat in her spot at the staff table next to Severus and Rolanda Hooch. As Dumbledore spoke her gaze drifted among the students until she spotted Draco. Her thoughts were shuddered by Dumbledore's words "And I'd like to welcome put new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Narcissa Black" she saw Draco's head whip around his jaw dropped she bit the inside of her cheek. There was applause but she didn't notice as she met her sons stare he looked away. The rest of the dinner was a blur to her she hardly ate as she was lost in thoughts. She felt a sharp tap on her shoulder she turned her head to see who'd poked her and saw Severus looking at her she sighed inwardly. "What do you want?" She asked coldly.

He raised an eyebrow "That's no way to talk to your colleague, professor." He smirks at her.

She grit her teeth and nodded "So sorry Professor" she wasn't going to deal with his attitude. "Let me try again, what would you like Sir?" She gave him a look which read 'challenge accepted'.

He scowled "I was wondering why you're not eating?" He featured to her untouched food.

She sighed "That's none of your concerns" she said simply then turned back to her food just to annoy him she popped a meatball into her mouth and then looked back out at the students.

He glared at her then turned back out to the students as well eyeing the Gryffindor table searching for the trio when he couldn't see them he got up and left the Great Hall cloak billowing behind him.

She watched him go with her eyebrows raised but then turned her gaze back to her food. After dinner she walked back to her office but something stopped her she heard a cold voice from far away and three scarred ones. She followed the source of the voices and spoon enough we he came across Severus and three Gryffindor students.

"You three have gotten on...." Severus stopped and looked at Narcissa who had her arms crossed over her chest a disapproving look on her face. He scowled at her "What do you want Professor Black?"

She took one look at the students and knew they were scarred half to death, who wouldn't be with him towering over them like that? "I was just wondering what you're doing Professor?" She gestured to the trio.

He snarled "That's none of your concern" he smirked quoting her comment from earlier that evening.

She smiled sweetly "I think it is actually and from the way they're looking it seems you've given them quite a scare."

He glowered at her "Professor I think its none of your.." He sighed and turned too the trio "Go along I'll deal with you later" the three kids quickly left giving Narcissa thankful looks. Once they'd gone Severus grabbed the front of her robes causing her to gasp at their now close proximities. "Black I'm telling you right now what I do to my students is my business not yours!"

She gripped the hand which was on her robes with hers trying to get it off but he was strong "Severus you have no right to scare the students like that!" She shot back.

He only tightened his grip on her robes "You wouldn't even be hear had I left you out to freeze in the snow, I'm a starting to wish I had no wonder Lucius kicked you out!" He spat his words like venom.

Her hand let go of his and her face fell "Let go of me" she mumbled her eyes were brimming with tears.

He sneered "Have I found your weak spot? I think I have" he still didn't let go he only pulled her closer to him so their eyes locked.

She raised her eyes to stare into his "Think you have?" She slapped him across the face his skin went from pale to pink in seconds from where her hand had contacted his face "Well you thought wrong" she felt him let go of her robes and she brushed out imaginary wrinkles then faced him with a firm face "Don't ever treat me like I'm unworthy because that's not the worst I can do" with that she turned on her heels and marched back to her classroom.

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