A Twist In Time

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Chapter 8: A Twist in Time

A/N I apologize for neglecting this story for so long I kind of ran dry on inspiration. However, after a well-deserved break from Harry Potter fanfiction writing, I am back and will be continuing this story! Thank you all!

*Two months later*

Snape was on his way to Professor McGonagall's chambers, ever since she lost her memory Snape had slowly but surely helped her remember. At first he'd grumbled and scowled about being in charge of such a task but as they got to know one another he realized she wasn't as bad as he'd first assumed. She was actually kind and relatable person once you got to know her and weren't constantly glaring at her. He knew he was partly to blame for their maddening relationship, what with the constant insulting of her house and not to mention Potter. However, after spending some time with her without her constantly biting out snarky retorts he'd realized they were more alike then he'd first thought.

The transfiguration professor had recovered most...if not all of her memories about being a witch. Other teachers, such as Trelawney or Pomfrey had more trouble recovering and some teachers, Pomona and Rolanda had already recovered their memories and were back to normal. Then of course, there was Narcissa...who wasn't even trying to remember. As much as Dumbledore had insisted she had refused until the professors had given up...well almost all the professors. Snape had never really given up on her, hoping that maybe...maybe something would trigger one memory...anything.

He'd been so lost in thought he hadn't noticed that he'd arrived at McGonagall's chambers. She wasn't back to teaching lessons quite yet even though she pestered Dumbledore about it on a daily basis. The Headmaster was the first person she'd remembered actually...a realization had hit her about a week after her memories had been stolen. She had darted from the couch and immediately insisted on seeing him and upon doing so they'd shared the longest hug Snape had thought possible.

He knocked on her door and instantly heard footsteps, when she opened the door she gave him a tiny smile, "Hello Professor Snape."

"McGonagall." He nodded, "How are you?"

"Quite well, I was just making some tea, would you like any?" She asked, letting him inside.

"If it wouldn't be too much of a trouble."

"No not at all." She was already on her way to the kitchen. Her chambers were the same as they'd been the first time he'd visited. He actually hadn't been in her chambers before two months ago. Upon first entering he hadn't been entirely surprised to see that most everything was tartan green and red. It was simple and cozy, with a fireplace, two armchairs, and multiple bookshelves.

"Here you go." She handed him his tea and sat down in one of the armchairs, not looking at him.

"Thank you." He said, sitting down as well. They sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again, "How is your head?"

"A bit of a headache...that's all." Another after effect of the curse was immense pain in your head when trying to recall memories stolen. The first few weeks she had constantly been in pain...though she'd never let it show. It'd gotten better as more memories had been uncovered but there was still a dull sting and would be until she was fully recovered.

"How are you? You look as though you haven't slept." She commented, looking at him with that X-raying gaze that strongly resembled Dumbledore.

"I'm fine, it's just Potter." He tried to keep the growl from his voice.

McGonagall rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her tea, "It's always Potter with you."

"Oh? Do you know what he's done this time?!" He challenged.

She laughed, "What did he do?"

"He stood by while a Hippogriff attacked Mr. Malfoy!"

"Is he hurt?" She asked, concern evident on her features. She may not be fond of Slytherins but a student was a student and nothing mattered more to her.

"No, not badly anyway but you know Malfoy he's making a big deal about it."

"A classic Slytherin trait." She teased.

He just pursed his lips and scowled, drinking more of his tea. She smiled to herself silently before they continued to sit in silence. At first, they had attempted awkward conversation but it had usually ended on a sour note. Eventually they had realized that peaceful silence and the mere presence of one another was enough. Therefor, they would just sit in peace for an hour or so before parting ways. Sometimes, they would play a few rounds of chess or discuss if there's been a Quidditch game, he would narrate it to her and she would comment on how unfairly Slytherin had played. Other then that, it was silence.

It helped her, remember and helped him forget. She would stare silently into her tea, trying to fish her memories from it and he stared into his tea...trying to drown them in it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake her from his mind...her beautiful blond hair, hazel eyes, and private smile. Narcissa Black refused to leave him alone, she crept into his mind night...day...it didn't matter, she was always there and wouldn't admit why.

A/N okay so I hope this chapter was okay, I am just getting back into the stride of things and kind of had to figure out what I wanted to do with this story, so I hope it's okay! Please, rate and review! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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