A Game of Chess

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Just a quick note letting you all know that I have no clue how to play chess or wizarding chess so I apologize ahead of time for making mistakes. ;-)

The next morning at breakfast Narcissa kept to herself as she watched Draco from the staff table. At 8:00 she for up and started to walk out but a firm hand grabbing hers stopped her she didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. "Yes?" She turned to face the man with long black hair and eyes. He still had hold of her hand it was sold against her warm one.

"We still on for tonight?" He asked smirking slightly.

"Yes of course I can't wait to see your face when I beet you" she smirked back.

He raised an eyebrow "No one said your going to win"

Minerva was grinning at the two of them from across the room.

Narcissa smirked even more "Wanna bet? If I win you have to where one of my purple scarfs all day tomorrow, if you win I have to do something for you."

Severus grinned at her "If I win you have to dye your hair pink for a day. Deal?"

She nodded "Deal" she raised his hand which she happened to still be holding and they shook both smirking mischievously.

Severus let go of her hand and stood up next to her and side by side they headed out little did they know half the Great Hall was grinning at them. They parted ways as they reached her office "See you tonight Black." He smirked and left.

She grinned as she opened the door to her classroom waiting for the students to show up today was the Second years she planned to teach them simple defensive spells nothing too complex. As the students filed in she introduced herself again and got to the lesson everything went well and Hufflepuff won 10 points when Ms. McKnight was able to disarm her friend on the first try.

After class she headed to lunch and sat down next to Severus who shot her a mischievous glance which she returned with a smirk. They ate in silence and as usual she watched Draco he was talking his oafs of friends Crabbe and Goyle. She knew their fathers and they weren't good people, served the Dark Lord she tried to avoid that particular subject. Her thoughts were interrupted by a tap on her shoulder it was Pomona Sprout. She turned to face the curly haired woman "Is there something I can help you with?"

The witch smiled "No I was just letting you knlkw there's going to be a staff meeting on Friday night."

Narcissa returned the smile "Thank you Professor. Sprout"

Pomona nodded "Of course, and call me Pomona." She kept smiling at Narcissa.

"Ok..thank you Pomona. Pleasure to meet you by the way." She held out her hand which Pomona shook then went back to her seat still smiling.

Narcissa turned back to her food and she heard a deep voice from next to her "Too peppy for her own good if you ask me." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes playfully "I'm surprised you even know what the definition off peppy is!"

"Hey!" He crossed his arms but the sides of his mouth twitched upward for a second as a smile.

She smiled a small smile "See you tonight" and she went back to her classroom.


Severus was about to head to dinner when he realised Draco was still in his classroom. "Mr. Malfoy is there something I can help you with?"

Draco scowled "I'm going to say this Snape don't go hitting up my mother she doesn't want you!" He had seen how Snape had grabbed Narissa's and how the two of them had been smiling at one another.

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