Falling for You

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Over the next few weeks the wind became chilly and the leaves turned all shades of yellow, red , and orange like fire. Severus was now wearing a orange scarf and Narcvissa's hair was a bright shade of blue. They were strolling out by the lake there was a steady cold wind and the sun was shiny weakly through the clouds. Narcissa blew on her cold hands and shivered "sheesh its chilly here." She said turning to Snape whose cheeks were slightly pink from the biting autumn wind. She let her hands drop to her sides again as they kept walking.

Severus grabbed her hand and was glad she didn't pull away and even smiled when she squeezed back. They walked in a happy silence breath making puffs of air that looked like smoke around their faces. He was the first to break the silence "You know there's a Halloween party?"

She shook her head "No I didn't actually.."

"Well..the genius of a headmaster decided to have a Halloween party with costumes, refreshments, and dancing" he said the word as if it was slim.

She stopped him and grinned "Costumes?" She sounded like she had a plan.

He groaned "Oh no..what have I done?" He smacked his face with his free hand.

She giggled "You're going aren't you?" She didn't wait for him to respond "Of course you are..you'd be a perfect vampire you know.." She grinned at his disapproving look.

"And what makes you think I'd be a good Vampire?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well you've got the whole complex with pale skin, ebony black hair, big strong hands, and..." She blushed she hadn't known shed paid that much attention to his appearance but apparently she did. She tried to cover up her mistake she added "scaring children for fun.. "

He laughed "I don't just scare them I make them jump out of their underpants.." They both broke into hilarious laughter doubling over holding onto each other for support.

After they regained their breath she slapped him lightly on the arm "Don't do that."

"Do what?" He asked grinning.

"You make me laugh too much..might as well just tickle me!" She saw the mischievous glint in his eyes and waves her arms "I was just kidding just kidding!" Bout he was already upon her tickling her under the chin. She giggled and tried to run away but he was too fast. Soon they were laying next to one another in a pile of leaves panting hard and flushed. "Merlin Severus.." She laughed.

"Well you told me to..." He smirked at her.

"I did not!" She argued but she knew it was true.

"Ok sure Narcissa." He stared at the sky then frowned "I think it's going to rain we better get inside."

She nodded and got up holding her hand out for him to get up he took it and she pulled him up they smiled at one another and without letting go of one another's hands walked up towards the castle. She hadn't realised they'd come this far and she could feel raindrops on her nose. She felt his hand pull her closer and she willingly came closer to his warm breath.

Of began to rain harder now and they began to walk faster until the rain was pounding down around them and they were running hand in hand. Narcissa shrieked as she almost slipped but his strong arms pulled her back up and he chuckled they were both soaked head to foot. Narcissa's hair was now pastel blue as some of the color had washed away with the rain but it suited her. She had raindrops clinging to her eyelashes and her blue hair was soaked as were her cloths and not to mention her rosy cheeks and lips. She thought she must look horrid but to Severus she looked like a fairy. They stood there in a soggy silence not caring that the rain was biting at their faces. They were both surveying one another's appearance then as if it was planned both broke into hysterical laughter.

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