✴ Memories✴

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The cold air bit at her cheeks as she patrolled the castle. The frost had come early this year and she was doing her nightly rounds and even though she was in the castle the wind blew through the cracks in the walls and windows. She shivered and blew on her hands as she walked up a flight of stairs. She was out pretty lat and doubted anyone, especially the students, would be out but it was the Headmasters orders so she couldn't deny. She was lost in her own thoughts not really paying attention to where she was going. She didn't pass anyone..even Filch or Mrs. Norris which was odd, but she didn't give it much thought.

She stopped, she could hear voices, coming from the corridor. She hastily grabbed her wand. "Who's there?" She called, the voices stopped, and then....

"STUPIFY!!" It hit her from behind and she screamed once before being thrown into a wall and being knocked out. She slumped down against the wall and fell across someone else, who was also unconscious.

Someone slashed her across the face and hot blood spurred from her cheek. A strange spell which sounded like a song, she deflated as if something she held so dear had just been yanked away. She let out a haunted scream and then fell silent.

..Minerva's PoV..

She had been tipped off by Draco that there was to be students on the seventh floor that night so naturally she had gone to investigate. She reached the corridor and took out her wand "Hello?" She called "If there are any students out..."

"Stupify!" Came a voice behind her she tried to spin around and see would it'd been or who they were firing at but it was too late, for she had been the target. She had enough time to let out a yelp of pain before her head hit the stone floor. Someone crouched over her and pushed the hair off her neck...

..Pomona's PoV..

Minerva had told her that she was going to investigate about Malfoy's claim and it'd been an hour and she hadn't come back yet. She was starting to worry now and then after another half an hour decided to go up and see for herself what was going on. She marched up there wand out she knew there was someone else there.

"Stupify!" She jumped out of the way and gasped as she saw in the small flash of red light someone face down on the floor.

"Reveal yourself!" She demanded. Suddenly came a voice..horribly familiar.

"Pomona?" It was Minerva her voice was choked and raspy...yet Minerva was still unconscious.

"Minerva?!" She spun around and fell into the trap because just then another stunning spell hit her straight in the chest she whimpered in pain and fell backwards next to the other bodies that lay motionless.

..Poppy's PoV..

She was merely on a nightly stroll when she saw flashes of light coming from a window across the castle. Hastily she broke into a run until..panting she reached the floor. "Who's..there?!" She yelled but a hand clamped over her mouth as she tried to scream.

The tip of someone's wand jabbed into her neck and she choked "Shhh my pretty struggling won't do any good." A husky voice whispered in her ear. Then a spell which she couldn't hear, a burning pain in her neck, blackness.

..Rolonda's PoV..

She heard a crash outside her door and Gwen fell through the door crashing into her. "Gwen what the bloody hell?!" Then she realised she wasn't conscious and had a cut on her shoulder. She quickly lay her down on the floor and ran outside wand raised but someone grabbed her from behind and gave her an awfully hated punch to the head she sunk to the floor blood dripping from her jawline.

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