getting attached.

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i get attached easily. i told you this.
but you left me anyways.
i told that when people leave without warning it kills me. you told me you wouldn't. but you did. i told you i was sorry for being this way. when you couldn't even say that it was fine to be that way. i would catch you saying "i love you" but you would deny when i asked. you became distant. and i started to think it was because i got attached. the day you left was the day i cant forget. because all i ever did was get attached. i tried to forget. and i nothing worked. so i ended up waiting for a text that would never come through. and then we started to text again. i had hope.
that hope was lost tonight. the night before we talked about our situation and agreed it shouldn't have happened. and i told you that im sorry if i get attached and you said dont you worry about that. but that's thing; im always going to worry because ive been destroyed by so many people it's probably incomprehensible. in the beginning i thought i wouldn't be like this towards you. but i got attached on facetime and now im just wasting that time. you're probably talking to another girl. and you were probably a fuckboy. but i just cant help but still love you, boy. i never thought i could attached so quick, because this is the first guy who's made me get attached this quick. please come back so i can stop stressing over something that's probably pointless anyways.

sad writing for sad days.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن