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when do you finally start to
realise it was toxic from the
minute you said "hey"?

how long until you finally stop
crying over someone who
wouldn't care if you died?

when will you notice that he
using you for one purpose?

how long until you realise
you deserve better?

when will the pain you put
yourself through stop?

how long until you understand
that he never loved you in the
first place?

when will you tell him "no"?

how long?

when will you realise you are
an object to him?

how long until you notice that he
was only nice to you because
you're "easy"?

when will you understand that
you need to let him go?

how long until you give up?

when will you come to terms
with the fact that he only
wants you for sex?

how will you cope with the pain
of knowing you didn't matter?



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