Let's Be Civil

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Lauren's POV

After my secret past life was accidentally revealed to Camila I felt like I need to get away from her. So I decided to get a buzz for a while. Vero told me she's in downtown in a local pub so I told her I will come over. I am on my way towards the pub feeling a little low.

I am about to open the swing door now when all of a sudden, "Don't!" Camila suddenly appeared in front of me.

"This will not help you, Lauren", she looked at me straight in the eyes. I noticed how brown her eyes were, I have never such beautiful eyes in my entire life. I notice I've been staring at her for some time now so I broke the trance.

"How would you know? Have you ever been in a bar in your life?" I glared back at her and entered the pub. There was some country music being performed live by a local band while Camila started following me inside too.

"The groundhog emerges, Wohooo!" Vero spotted me instantly once I was inside the bar.

"I didn't think you'd make it." She was giving me an embrace and started introducing me to all her companions.

"All right! All right! That's Kenzie, Laura, Kim, Valerie." All her companions give me a wave. "This is my buddy girls, the famous Lauren. Lauren Jauregui."

"Nice to meet you." The girl named Kenzie greeted me with a smile and I said the same. "What are you drinkin'?" Vero asked me.

"Coffee." Camila butted in so I immediately replied to Vero, "Scotch!" 

"Don't you dare!" Camz said again in a demanding tone.

"Make it a double!" I told the bar tender and that made Camila so mad.

"You don't have to wait. I can start the hangover right now." She started throwing her hands on my face and I tried to dodge every move like I'm Keanu Reeves bending over, Vero noticed me and she thought I am dancing!

"Yeah. Yeah." Vero said happily and started swinging as well beside me. "She's excited to be out. I know!" She told the girls, "Friday night! You know" while she was winking to them.

"You can't drink these feelings away, Lauren." Camila beside me muttered while her hands were in her waist.

"Watch me." I told her and I walked towards the table.

"So, you OK?" Vero noticed that I was like talking to myself, of course she couldn't see that I was talking to Camila. 

"Say goodbye, walk to the door, let's get some food in your stomach." Camz continued her sermon.

"Who made you my mother?" I answered her back and Vero turned her back to face me, she thought i was talking to her.

"Did I...? How you comin' along with those hallucinations?" She curiously asked me while grabbing a glass and taking a sip of her whiskey.

"That was nothing." I assured her again.

"You're not a well woman, Lauren." Camz started to butt in again.

"Ssssshhhh!" I hushed to silence Camila. "It's just lack of sleep." I continued while I am looking at Vero face to face.

"Sleep? You gettin' any?" Vero asked me back with her brows furrowing eyeing me closely.

"Eight hours." I said loudly.

"Twelve." Camila butted-in again.

"Nine, tops." I said angrily at Vero and Camila. Vero was just surprised by my tone and shook her head and started drinking again.

"Opium addicts are more alert than you, Lauren!" Camila retorted back at me.

"Will you knock it off!" I muttered angrily just enough for Camila and I to hear while grabbing the glass of scotch that I ordered.

"Don't you dare! Don't!" She said again. "Last chance,  Lauren." Camila huffed at me.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I challenged her and there she goes she entered my body right when I was about to take a sip from my glass. Now here I am swinging my hand that is holding the glass of scotch from side to side like a mad woman.  I tried to control my hand but I can't I bowed down my head so I can sip the alcohol but I ended up slapping myself. Camila was controlling my body.

Vero noticed what I was doing so she called me, "Lauren, buddy!"

But I didn't mind her I am still struggling to take a sip from my drink and I ended up slashing the drink to the girl, who was I remembered was Kenzie.

My eyes widened to what I have just did, "I'm so..." I'm stuttering now. "I'm sorry. God!"

"You freak!" Kenzie told me while she was stood up from her chair and slapped me.

"Laur, that is uncool, dude!" Vero shouted back at me. I looked at them shaking my head at the moment , then I noticed Camila was dragging my body outside the club, and I'm acting like I am having some active seizure walking towards the club doors. Once I am outside the bar, Camila immediately left my body and I almost tripped myself down on the floor.

"Good God!" I exclaimed with hands on the air.

"You're gonna thank me for that one day." She started speaking while brushing her clothes like she there's dirt on it.

"For what? Making me look like a lunatic in front of all those people? Urrgggh!!!" I answered her back angrily this time and started walking away from her.


Now, I am walking down the park alone at this ungodly hour of the night trying to recall the earlier events. I noticed there was a bench in front of me so I decided to sit down and rest for a moment. But when I sat down, I look at my side and I was surprised to see Camila sitting right beside me again.

"Why are you still here?" I said while looking at her furiously.

"That's a scary question. I have no idea." She enunciated in a depressing tone. "Why are you the only one that can see me?" Wow her mood different from the usual feisty Camila that I knew.

"Don't ask me." I answered back not looking at her while shaking my head.

"All I know is when I'm not with you, it's like I don't... exist." This time I looked at her and she looks like she's about to cry. "Oh, my God. Maybe I am dead." She said and she slumped her shoulders down and hang her head. 

"Oh, come on now." I look at her. "Look, I'm... I'm sorry that I said you're dead. Maybe you're not dead. Maybe you're just very... light." I honestly don't know what terms I need to use so she will not feel offended.

"If I could just remember something about who I am, or was. I mean, then I'd know once and for all." She continued her dialogue and took a deep breath. "I'm trying to figure it out. I...I just can't do it by myself." And then she looked at me like a lost puppy.

"Oh no?! You're not asking me to...to help you, are you?" I tried to face her I couldn't just believe that she wanted me to help her.

"Look." She straightened up the way she sits down. "You have two realities to choose from. First one being that a woman has come into your life in a very unconventional way and she happens to need your assistance."

"Right." I huffed.

"The second one is that you're an insane person, sitting on a park bench talking to yourself." Camila explained the second option.

I looked around my surroundings and I was alone right. "I think I prefer the first one."

"OK." She said smiling, then started to stand from the chair.

She looked at me and said, "Come on! Let's find out who I am".

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