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I blink my eyes several times to make my vision clear. I'm feeling very dizzy. My head spinning around and my heart throbbing fast. I look around in the surrounding for any hint of where i am right now, because last time I remember I was getting ready in my white gown for my wedding. But this dark room is just not helping anyway.

Soon the reality hit me like a truck of bricks and I realise that I am tied to a chair, my hands clutched behind my back, my mouth gaged with a silky fibre, a tie, I thought.

What the fuck I'm doing here when I'm supposed to be in my own marriage.

I look around again in the dark room but nothing. I look a glance down and took a breath of relief of finding my dress at proper place, which is by the way my wedding gown.

I am safe. At least till now...

This time reality hit me like a ice cold water on my face when I realised......

" oh fuck!!!!! I am kidnapped!"

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