Rise N' Shine Princess

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        "Wake up sis!" a young prince about 18 years of age shouted. "Five more minutes Noah..." Noah's sister said groggily, pulling her blankets over her head. "Pheonix wake up or else..." Noah said playfully. "Nononono don't you dare AAAAHAHAAHA N-NO S-STOP" pleaded Pheonix in between laughs as her older brother started  tickling her. Unlike most royal siblings Pheonix and Noah had a pretty good 'siblingship'.
"You do remember what day it is right?"
"Umm... Friday?"
"Wow, you're going to be a great princess sis"
"Heh heh indeed"
"I'll give you some more hints"
"Starts with the letter 'P' and has to do with a dress-"
"Oh notch..."
" The remaining hints are tiara and gift"
"Oh. OHHHHHHH!! How did I not get that the first time?"
"Because your a clueless nerk"
        That day had been the day when Pheonix would become an actual 'princess'. A small event was hosted in the palace similar to a coronation except for a prince/princess. Nearby royal families would  attend the event and welcome their new prince/princess. Or atleast that's what Pheonix was told. "Hey Pheonix better go get ready for your big day" Noah stated. "It can wait it's still 5am... Wait. 5AM?! Why'd you wake me up this early?!" Pheonix shouted as she checked her clock. "Pranks. It runs in the family" Noah shrugged and ran downstairs. "This is why you're still single!!" she shouted but couldn't help but laugh. "Savage much?" Noah said from downstairs although he knew Pheonix couldn't hear him. "Might as well get ready, if there's something that really bugs my parents it's being late" she thought to herself.

Pheonix's POV:
         *sigh* I don't like to wear dresses but this is one of those special events in which I have to. "Atleast my dresses aren't poofy like the Greene sisters" I said as I put on my dress. Why did it have to be when you're 15? Couldn't it wait until I'm 18, when I'm considered an adult? THUMP! I went to the direction of the sound which lead to my balcony. I slid the glass door and found an envelope on the balcony floor. "Maybe the messenger dove bumped into the glass, again" I said non-chantly and picked up the envolope. Inside the envelope was a letter that read:
        Dear Princess Pheo,

  I'm extremely sorry but I will not be able to attend your coronation. Will you take this (check the envolope) as a forgiveness gift?

         I checked inside the envelope and there was a necklace with a phoenix on it. I already knew who had sent the letter even before the "Sincerely T.M". Only one person ever calls me 'Pheo' and that was one of my friends, Terris Milton. I didn't mind the nickname, but I always wondered why my parents called me that; Pheonix. Everytime I asked them they would stay silent and Noah would say "You'll learn in time". The only time they actually somewhat explained it to me was when I was 13, they had mentioned something called an 'aura' and how there was only one of each, besides the Neutral Aura, they said there were TONS of them. I don't know how all that aura talk had to do with my name, but it did explain why mum's eyes went weird colors sometimes. "Pheonix, time to head to the event room!" Noah shouted from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back, as I snapped back into reality.

After the coronation
         "Mum! Can I change back into my normal attire now?!" I asked after there was no one, besides us of course, in the castle. "Yes you may go change" she replied. "WOOHOOO!!!" I exclaimed running up to my room. "But keep the tiara on!" I heard her say. "Will do!" I yelled from my room. "Finally, comfortable, normal clothes, and tiara" I said wearing, what I called, my normal attire, which was just a green striped shirt with jeans and boots. "And now I just have to go meet up Petra over by the fountain" I told myself as I left my room. "Before you do that" I heard someone say which made me yelp in surprise ", calm down its just me" continued my brother. "Yeah I noticed, anyways what's that you want me to do before I go meet up with my best friend?" I questioned, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor. "Come with me there's something I want to show you..."

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