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 Pheonix's POV:
            Soon I would be 17, Petra was already 18. Ever since the past events back home, we've been working together, and even if I'm not so good at it now, I've –somewhat– gotten the hang of how to 'survive' in a place that's not home. Working together had helped us both, I was learning to survive for more than 10 seconds, and Petra could use a little backup too. And uh, Star well, even if we've been friends for quite a while, he just doesn't listen! Atleast he knows to stay close, otherwise I have no idea where he'd be right now. "Pheonix, do you think you could watch the area while I go get, something?" Petra asked. "Ok" I answered, I've never bothered to ask what those somethings were, but Petra's Petra, whatever it is I'm sure she'll be fine. "Are you sure you won't die?" she said jokingly. "Yes I'm sure!" I shouted, after that she left to go get the something she had told me about.
              Most of the time I had stayed up in a tree, a habit I got from being in the forest for so long. Part of the time I'd gather extra resources just in case Star accidentally burned the resources we already have, and yes, it has happened before. Speaking of Star, what's he doing now? I haven't heard a single sound from him. I got down from the tree I was in, I started looking for Star, I couldn't find him. After a good 10 minutes of searching I finally found him sleeping under the tree I was in... Of all places he's been here the whole time.
              Petra had returned, the sun had gone down halfway. "What did you get that took you the whole morning to find?" I asked curiously. "Just had to go get a Nether Star that I'm trading with some guy" she said like it was normal, which I assume probably was, for her atleast. "Some guy that must be" I checked to see if Petra was paying attention, nope. "I mean what worth more than a Nether Star?" Nothing. "His heart?" I laughed at Petra's expression, guess she got the idea that I was teasing. "You're like a younger sister, I'm okay with being around you, but you go a little far sometimes" she said, Star rubbing himself against her leg,  he must've missed her which, considering we're the only two people he's socialized with, is understandable.
              "Then that's what I'll call you, my sister" I said proudly ", if that's okay with you" I added almost immediately after. "It'll take a while to get use to, but I'm okay with it I guess" she replied. "Hey uh sis?" I said nervously, I had heard a zombie and a skeleton, Star started to growl. "What?" Petra asked. "Um there may or may not be a horde of monsters right behind us". I turned, and I was correct, there was a horde of monsters behind us... Petra got her iron sword out and started slashing at the monsters, "Man am I glad Noah made me this" I said helping out with the monsters, and then I realized Star was actually helping!? He was slashing at a spider with his claws. Then I was knocked back by a skeleton, causing me to drop my axe, and now aiming his bow at me.
              Suddenly, Star jumped infront of me and shot a purple fire ball at the skeleton, making it turn into a puff of white smoke. "Since when can he do that?" my sister asked, slaying a zombie. "Uh since now?" I said unsure myself. "Star!" I cried as he collapsed from exhaustion, his flame's probably not fully developed yet. "Argh! Pheonix there's to many, just make a run for it okay?" Petra shouted fighting off some spiders. "But what about you!" "I can fight them off, just go!" I carried Star in my arms and ran in the opposite direction.
              It started to rain, I was in the middle of a plains biome a jungle was visible nearby. As I walked further I noticed a cave and ran towards it. I set Star down on the cave floor surprisingly, it wasn't cold like it's usually described in books. I saw lightning from a small opening inside the cave, thunder roared outside awakening a startled Stargazer. "It's okay Star don't worry, it'll be okay" I said trying to calm the dragon down, it wasn't working so I pulled him close to keep us both warm. Although it was hard without anyone I know around me, besides Star of course, I finally managed to sleep.
              The sun's rays hit against the cave walls, indicating it was morning. As I looked around I realized something: Star was missing. Then I noticed a couple of pawprints, I followed them into the jungle.

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