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Day One

Pheonix's POV
              As we exited the shelter I looked around hoping to find the red spider, however to my disappointment it was nowhere to be seen. Star gave me a questioning look as if I was going crazy I don't blame him it is kind of strange. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked turning back to face the Ocelots. "Well, we kind of just moved to this specific place, how about we go exploring?" Maya asked though it looked as if she wasn't sure herself. Wait what does she mean by 'just moved'? I'll have to ask her about it later. "That sounds cool," I said grinning, the guys just nodded. I didn't mind exploring but really all I wanted to do was climb that oak tree that was in the center of the plains a few feet away from the lake and shelter.
              I made my way to one of the branches of the oak tree and sat down. I turned my gaze at a frustrated Stargazer that was scratching at the trunk of the tree, "C'mon bud you can fly right?" I asked holding in a laugh, guess he can't. Making sure my feet had a good hold of the branch I went down and grabbed the small dragon and made myself sit back on the branch. Interested as to what the other were doing I looked around the area. Maya was sitting down on the grass talking to Aiden while Lukas was wandering around the area, wait where did "What's up?" asked a sudden voice that startled me. "Ello Gill, you scared me..." I said placing a hand over my chest to exaggerate the gesture, he laughed and apologized in response.

"You like climbing?"

"Yeah, it's a habit I picked up not too long ago."


"You can come up with me if you want and or can"


Third Person POV
              "Hey Aiden, Lukas!" Maya shouted to both males smiling widely. They exchanged confused looks and shrugs before looking back at Maya. "What?" Aiden and Lukas said and then stopped realizing they replied at the same time. All Maya did was point to Pheonix and Gill talking and hanging around, "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" She said glancing at both Aiden and Lukas. Both of them nodded in agreement ", on the count of three okay?" She continued and counted down. "Gill and Pheonix sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" the trio sung teasingly. Pheonix started turning a slight shade of red and quickly scoot all the way to the left until she bumped into the tree trunk saying "We just met like three days ago... C'mon guys...." quietly to herself, while Stargazer made a strange sound, presumably a laugh. "Really guys?" Gill asked slightly laughing at Pheonix's reaction. "It's pretty obvious so yes really, " Maya said mimicking a serious tone. "What's pretty obvious?" Pheonix said looking up at Maya. "That crush of yours of course" Maya continued her teasing. "Nope, I'm done with the outdoor exploration goodbye!" Pheonix said before running back to the shelter Stargazer following behind her.

Day Two

              "What do you guys feel like doing today?" Lukas asked laying down staring at the roof of the shelter. The Ocelots were also laying on the floor bored out of their minds with no idea as to what they should do. This cycle had been going on since the morning when everyone woke up. "How about you Star?" Pheonix spoke looking over at the purple figure resting on her stomach, his response was a low growl which she took as an 'I'm still sleeping let me be'. "Heh remember yesterday?" Aiden asked laughing. "We do not speak of that!" Pheonix suddenly blurted out not wanting the conversation to continue any further. Much to her embarrassment Maya and Aiden soon started to talk about yesterday's events while Pheonix was dying on the inside as she overheard the conversation. Suddenly the younger female of the Ocelots was soon replaced with a red, orange, and yellow feathered bird no bigger than a book. "Um... guys??" she spoke looking down to see she had shifted into what seemed to be a phoenix.

"What happened?!" Maya asked at a loss for any better words.

"I have no idea..."

"Do you know how long this will last?" Lukas asked hoping for an answer.


"Guess we'll have to wait until she turns back because right now she's basically useless" Aiden stated earning an irritated look from Pheonix.

              Needless to say, the whole rest of the day had been pretty interesting —mainly because of Pheonix's inability to fly— until she finally turned back into a human.

Day Three

Pheonix's POV
              I woke up relieved I hadn't shifted back into a phoenix overnight. Looking around the shelter I noticed I was the first to wake up again, guess I could head outside I mean what else could I possibly do. I made sure Stargazer was still asleep before I head out, that way he doesn't get alarmed. As soon as I stepped outside something really stood out to me, a chicken with what seemed to be orange eyes. This is the third time in three days I can't be seeing things right? Just to make sure I head towards the river, splashed water on my face, and came back to where the chicken was. I looked at it and realized its eyes were back to the normal ebony color they always are... Strange.
            I went back to the river enjoying watching his the sun made the water sparkle, I could watch this all day and never get bored. It just seemed so, tranquil. "I see you woke up early today" I let out a frightened shriek turned around and splashed water in the direction of the voice. Turning around I realized it had only been Aiden, "Heheheh oops..." I laughed nervously while all he did was make a mischievous smirk making me frightened as to what he would do. "Look what I found!" Aiden exclaimed running to the edge of the lake, his mood changing in the blink of an eye. Though I was still doubtful and didn't trust him I still went over to see whatever it was that he found, "What'd you find?" I asked curiously. "Payback" That was the last word I heard before being splashed with water, again. "Two can play that game!" I laughed cupping my hands to get water as I chased Aiden with it.
              We had been so focused on trying to get water on to each other that we didn't realize the other members of the Ocelots and Stargazer watching, that is until Lukas said: "Wow Aiden didn't think you'd be the type of person to be so childish". I looked over at Aiden, his face had slightly turned red due to embarrassment. I then remembered I still had water cupped in my hands and got an idea. "WATER SPLASHING FIGHT!!!" I yelled throwing the water at Stargazer, Maya, Lukas, and Gill and running to the lake to get more. "Oh, it is on!" "You better run!" "Challenge accepted!" "Rawr!!"
              After a few hours of the Water Splashing Fight, the sun had already set and the moon was in the middle of the sky, everyone head back inside the warmth of the shelter. Too tired after the small fight to anything else, they all fell asleep.

Day Four

Third Person POV
              It was about 10:30 AM, both Pheonix and Aiden had bearly woken up before realizing they were the last two to wake up. "What'd I miss?" Pheonix said groggily seeing as Lukas, Maya, and Gill had been conversing. "Nothing much, we just woke up about 15 minutes ago. We were waiting for you guys to wake up" Maya replied casually. "Really?" Aiden asked surprised. ", Why?" he continued. "So we could talk about all the things that happened yesterday" Lukas answered. "You mean like when you were chasing me and then you slipped and fell down?" Pheonix asked remembering that event so clearly. Aiden and Maya stayed silent hoping no one would say what happened to them. "Or when Maya tried sneaking up on Aiden but she ended up falling on him instead" Gill mentioned, causing Aiden to look in the other direction while Maya just sat there flustered. "The past few days with you guys have been really fun," Pheonix said diverting her eyes to the ceiling. "True" Everyone said in agreement. "Maybe we could do something similar after this year's Building Competition" Lukas said abruptly. ", If you're all okay with that". "Yeah!" "That'd be cool" "Sure why not?" "Yes!"
              The rest of the day was spent relaxing and staying in the shelter talking about the last few days. They all had to be ready to get materials for their Rainbow Beacon build. There were only two more days until the Building Competition.

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