Dallon (P!atd)

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              I DID THE GIF!!
             Word Count: 709

5 years I have been married to this handsome hunk of sassyness. And I love him so much for sticking with me of 2 wonderful kids.

"Okay, kids. It's fathers day tomorrow and we need a full proof plan for daddy." The kids agree that they should throw a little party for daddy with only us.

~Next day...~

"Wake up mommy!" I herd my kids try to quietly wake me up. 6:36 am read the clock. "Right on time kids!" I said getting out of bed surprisingly not waking up Dal. As I got up I kissed him on the cheek.

Me and the kids went to the all night open bakery and got a cake that said 'Happy Father's Day to the best daddy ever'. And stashed it where he never looks... The outside freezer. He never looks in their, like ever and no one knows why, I think he just doesn't know it exists...

After that it was 7:20 am and Dal was still not awake. We had to leave Amelie because she was to tired to make it to where we had to go, so we left her hear just in case Dal woke up and wouldn't be suspicious.

So me and Knox make our way to the dollar store and pick up some balloons that wished happy father's day.

On our way back I get a call from Amelie on Dal's phone. "Hey what's up?" I asked, "He is awake... And he doesn't seem to know its father's day." She adds, "Okay well we will be home in a couple of minutes, okay?" "Okay, love you" "love you too" We both hanged up.

We got home and Knox's took the balloons in the garage behind some boxes that no one has looked through in years. I went threw the door to see Dallon in the kitchen. "Hey hon!" I said happily. I kissed his cheek as he took a sip of his morning coffee.

"What's going on?" He asked suspicious. Oh no he's onto us I thought to myself. "Nothing..." I said hoping he can't smell the lies that fill my aroma. He stared me down.

"I know what today is ya know..." He said then walking out the kitchen as Knox sneaked through the front door, Dallon didn't notice.

"Happy fathers day daddy!" I herd the kids run to him in the living room. "Aw... And I thought you guys forgot!" I heard walking into the living room and seeing the kids laying on the couch with Dal. "Let me in you guys!" I said hugging everyone at once. "This is all I would ever want."

After we all sat there and Dallon had somehow fell asleep again watching some old clips of the family, we all got up and set up everything before he woke up.

~About a good hour later...~

"Wake up daddy!!" Amelie said pushing at him to wake him up, Knox's started to jump on the couch since calling him up wouldn't get him to wake up.

He woke up to have a surprise waiting for him. "Oh my lordy!" Dal said looking at the decoration and the cake. "Cake too!" He said happy.

"Yeah!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him and gave him a quick kiss before the kids broke us up saying if they could eat the cake. "Haha go ahead." Dallon said.

We opened the cake. Me and the kids had a little surprise in store for him as well. "1...2...3!" I yelled and we all dunked Dallon's head right into the cake. "Happy fathers day!!" We all said laughing.

"Who wants a hug!" Dal said running around trying to get us with cake frosting smeared onto his face. He catched Amelie and gave her a big frosting kiss. We all somehow didn't get to eat the cake, we just started to throw it at each other and trying to feed it to each other with ours hands... It was a fun day to have with my wonderful husband and kids!


Aw I thought this was to cute lol even though fathers day was so long ago, but you know oh well! Hoped you enjoyed and...

Bbyyyeee bbbyyyeeee

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