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Beyond the Veil honestly began as a fanfiction concept that developed into something so much greater: an entire fantasy world called Estia, inhabited by custom-developed races, cultures, history, and lore. While unable to explore this vast world during the events of this short story, there is another story in the planning phases which will traverse a great part of the world.

This was written as a contest entry for TheFaeFolk's first contest. By using their list of prompts, we were given the task of writing a completed short story at least 500 words long. The following prompts were used in the making of this story: a protagonist learning to master a newly acquired gift, the use of a rowboat, a mirror that becomes a portal, and a made-up language of my own accord. I have incorporated those elements into a story written in two days.

Beyond the Veil tells the story of Evelyn Ternys, a newly appointed mage in the Mages' College, who is given a mysterious scroll containing ancient magical knowledge. While learning to master it, she becomes caught up in the middle of two opposing factions which end up challenging where her loyalties lie.

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