Chapter 4

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Evelyn stood at the door to the High Mage's chamber, trying to muster the courage to knock. She had never been invited into this chamber before, and didn't know what to expect. I fought off a group of demons today, I can knock on a simple door, she encouraged herself. As she was about to knock, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Inside, she could hear two voices arguing, and she leaned in closer to listen.

"... but this is an issue that affects all of us." She heard the familiar and commanding voice of High Templar Temith.

"I understand that, however, I will not subject my people to a misguided crusade simply because you fear magic." The typically soothing tones of High Mage Ivan were replaced by steely conviction.

"This rebellion will not quell itself — something must be done, and soon," Temith countered with a dark tone.

"This conversation will have to wait; we have company," High Mage Ivan interjected as the door before Evelyn swung open of its own accord. How did he know I was here? She wondered briefly before realizing both their eyes were on her.

High Mage Ivan was a tall, thin man with long graying hair and beard. His worn face was wrinkled, marking both his age and years of wisdom, but his soft deep blue eyes conveyed the curiosity and wonder of a youth Evelyn's age. "Welcome," he greeted Evelyn with a characteristically warm smile. In contrast, the imposingly tall and pepper-haired man known as High Templar Temith, adorned in shining armor, scowled at her.

"High Mage, High Templar," she greeted them both with a bow, "I did not mean to interrupt."

"Nothing to concern yourself over," High Mage Ivan assured her.

"Ivan, this discussion is not over," High Templar Temith said bitterly as he pushed past Evelyn with a sour expression.

"Pay his demeanor no heed, it is not you that he is angry with," High Mage Ivan assured Evelyn once the Templar was out of earshot. Evelyn nodded as Ivan ushered her further into his office.

Before her was a magnificent chamber that made Evelyn gasp in awe. The mosaic-tiled ceiling rose two stories high, decorated with the pattern of a great beast that Evelyn had only seen in books: a dragon, it had been called. All teeth, fangs, scales and ferocity. However, in this depiction, the dragon seemed to be flying in a circle. A grand chandelier made of gold with teardrop shaped blue crystals hung directly in the center of the ceiling, which the dragon was coiled around. The walls consisted entirely of packed bookcases, encasing them with the knowledge of their ancestors and the previous High Mages to come before Ivan. It would undoubtedly contain his own studies and thoughts, which would then be passed down to the next High Mage that followed him. The center of the room was taken up by a large, polished mahogany desk. Upon it rested a stack of papers, some ancient looking tomes, an inkwell and quill, and a crystal figurine depicting a creature that Evelyn was unfamiliar with. It possessed the body and head of a lion, with a scorpion's whip-like tail. On the far side of the room was a full alchemy set-up, an unknown concoction bubbling away.

"I should first congratulate you on becoming a full-fledged Mage," Ivan started as he moved over to the desk, bringing Evelyn back from her marveling. "You won't receive new duties until the next lunar cycle, but after then your responsibilities will indeed grow," he assured Evelyn.

"Thank you, High Mage," Evelyn replied, "it is a great honor."

"Your possessions will be moved up to the Mage Quarters tomorrow morning, and you will be provided with new robes," he explained. Evelyn nodded. These were things she already knew, and this was nothing more than a formality.

"Now, I'm sorry, however I still have much work to finish up before retiring for the night," Ivan said, indicated to the open door as he sat down at his desk. Evelyn bowed and turned to take her leave. The door shut slowly behind her and locked with an audible click.

Evelyn decided it was time to seek out Edwin, and she was certain that he would be found in one of the Great Libraries — rooms that contained the entire knowledge of the mages.

Evelyn found Edwin within one of the great libraries spread throughout the tower. This one in particular held information about the Dream Walk, and accounts from former apprentices who had succeeded, and Templars who had seen Dream Walks both succeed and fail. Lately, Edwin spent most of his free time here, trying to prepare himself for when he would be ready for the Dream Walk.

"Ah, there you are, Eve," he said as he looked up from his book. He put the old text down. "I have something for you, but... not here," he whispered as he stood up. He looked around, spotting an empty classroom, and ushered her in hastily.

"What's this all about?" Evelyn asked, bewildered as Edwin locked the door behind them.

"This," he said as he produced a scroll from up his sleeve. It looked old and had the seals of both the High Mage and High Templar.

"Where did you get that?" Evelyn asked hesitantly. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer — something like that would never be found in the libraries.

"A... friend of mine... acquired it," Edwin said slowly, trying to choose his words carefully.

"Does your friend have a name?" Evelyn inquired.

"Yes, but... I don't want him getting in trouble," Edwin explained.

"What is it?" she asked with a sigh.

"Take a look," he said and extended his hand, offering her the old scroll. She complied, handling it carefully. The seal was already broken and she unrolled the scroll onto a table.

The top line read: Here in lies the study of Veil Magic, a forbidden art that will be sealed away. For eyes of the High Mages only. However, every other line below that seemed to be in a different language.

"What language is this?" Evelyn asked, unfamiliar with the formation of sounds.

"I don't know," Edwin admitted, "I hoped you could figure it out." Evelyn's excitement and trepidation were both rising. She adored learning new things. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad would come of this.

"Something is coming soon," Edwin said cryptically, "and I want us to be prepared."

"Something?" Evelyn echoed.

"I don't know; I can't really say more than that," he replied. Evelyn just sighed and returned her sights to the scroll.

"I'll see what I can do," she promised.

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