Chapter 7

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Evelyn and Cameron re-emerged from the mirror into a small room. She had done it: she had successfully physically stepped beyond the Veil. She had opened up a portal through a mirror and utilized it to traverse planes.

Cameron tumbled out of the mirror and sprawled onto the floor."What in the six Realms just happened?!" he exclaimed, picking himself up.

"We traveled beyond the Veil," Evelyn explained. Cameron was dumbstruck.

"What?" He looked at her as though she were crazy, then took in his surroundings. They were definitely not in the college anymore. The room they found themselves in was small and built out of wood — a rare building material in the college. The space was mostly taken up by a large bed and two dressers, packed close together. They stood in the corner of the room closest to the door next to a cracked mirror with a tarnished frame. "Where are we?" Cameron asked.

"Somewhere far away, I hope," Evelyn replied gleefully.

"Come then, I must return," Cameron stated. Evelyn was surprised.

"Why?" she asked.

"It is my duty to aid my comrades at arms," he replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You'll die!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"If that means I've served the Creator and my duty as a Templar Knight, then I die with honor," he said as though reciting a well-read verse.

"Why? Why die when you have the option to live on?" Evelyn protested.

"If I run away, then I am a coward — I will dishonor myself," he explained slowly, ignoring any further protests from her as he exited the room. The building they were in was obviously a house, and luckily the owners appeared to be elsewhere. It was cozy and inviting, with a fire crackling in the hearth in front of a plush couch and a bear-skin rug. Evelyn mightily wished that she could stay.

Outside they found themselves exiting a cabin on the border of a lake, surrounded on all sides by a dense forest. They had not traveled far, Evelyn realized, as centered in the lake on a small islet rose a fortress of black stone; the College.

"We have not gone far," Cameron said as he spotted a rowboat with oars moored on the bank of the lake, and walked towards it. Evelyn grabbed his arm and tried to stop him one last time in vain.

"Please, let us leave," she begged, but Cameron shook her off.

"Both of our friends are there, possibly killing each other — I appreciate your timely rescue, Eve, however I will not abandon my friends and comrades." Evelyn considered his words very carefully as he prepared the boat for launch. She finally realized the truth in his words.

"They'll kill Edwin." It wasn't a question.

"Yes. They will," Cameron agreed, pushing the boat out into the water.

"Wait! I can help!" Evelyn exclaimed suddenly, running over to him.

"You could be killed," Cameron argued.

"So? I'll dishonor myself if I abandon my friends like a coward." She used his own words against him. He paused, considering her as they stood knee-deep in lake water.

"Come then, we will face the dangers together," he beckoned her with an outstretched hand. She took it hesitantly as he helped her into the boat. She had never been beyond the College before, and never been in a boat. It rocked under her weight and she felt as though she would fall over, but Cameron helped her sit down safely. He pushed the boat out a little further before climbing in. The boat rocked with his added weight and Evelyn clung to the sides, feeling very unsafe. Cameron noticed her expression as he set the oars into their locks and began to row. "Don't worry; I will protect you," he assured her.

Evelyn looked up to the imposing fortress, lost in her thoughts as they approached it slowly. She would face the dangers with him, and this time she wouldn't flee as a coward. Either she would end a war, or she would die trying.


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