Chapter 1

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She could feel the sword pressed to her throat.

Even through her veiled dreams, she felt the cold steel against her delicate flesh — and she could sense the impending danger it posed to her if she should fail in her present task: to slay a demon in the Spirit Realm.

Evelyn Ternys had lived out her entire life in The College of Magi — informally nicknamed The Spire; a tall fortress built of black stone a century ago on the rocky shore of Mist Wood Lake, located deep within the Mist Woods. With only one entrance that was kept guarded at all times, occupants were rarely granted leave; they were required to study under supervision of the Templars, who in turn ensured that the mages remain at the college. Anyone found having magic was required, by law, to turn themselves over to the Templars and were relocated permanently to the college. Once there, they were stripped of their titles, and any assets that entitled them to. Those who attempted to control their magic without training usually lost control, often resulting in the death of innocent bystanders or the mages themselves.

Evelyn's gift — or curse — was realized as an infant, and she was subsequently turned over to the Templars. Having been so young, she was unable to retain memories of her family or life before the college. Thus, she grew up knowing the apprentices and teachers as her only family, and the Templars as watchful guardians — and her keepers.

Now here she knelt on the cold floor of the Trial room — the highest tower chamber of the college — with a sword to her neck, ready to cut her down without hesitation or mercy. Her only redemption would come from succeeding in defeating a demon in a ritual known as the Dream Walk — where the apprentice mage's spirit entered the Spirit Realm through the use of concentrated Mana. From that dream-like state, she was helpless, and she only hoped that the Templars did not become impatient.

Facing the Veil, the link between the Dream Realm and her own, for the first time gave Evelyn a strong sense of trepidation. The feeling of stepping through that portal into the Spirit Realm was exilerating and terrifying. She could feel her body both in the Realms of the Spirits and that of the Living. She would have to keep her wits about her, and muster all her courage and determination if she were to succeed. Demons were tricky creatures, and she must regard everything with caution if she were to succeed.

As she arrived in the Spirit Plane, she was immediately greeted by an elderly man in the robes of a High Mage — the highest ranking in the college.

"Who are you?" Evelyn asked, eying him with suspicion.

"I am High Mage Jaspin; I died many decades ago, likely before you were even born," he answered in a wizened voice, "I am here to guide you through your trial." Evelyn mused over his words, never taking her eyes off of him. Would the Spirit Plane test her already? She recognized his name from her studies and had often been told that she would have to undergo a trial, but she had been told nothing of a guide.

"Why are you here?" Evelyn asked next "I thought only demons took physical form in the Spirit Plane," she added.

"That is mostly true," he explained, "however when someone of great spiritual power dies, they are often able to take a solid form in the Spirit Plane."

"I've never heard of such a thing," Evelyn admitted.

"No, I wouldn't expect you to have." The figure of High Mage Jaspin chuckled. "To tell apprentices of such a feat would reveal too much of the Spirit Realm before they are prepared. It would potentially encourage the youth to seek more power for themselves when they would be untested," he explained in a matter-of-fact tone. Evelyn couldn't argue as she had no proof to the contrary, and his words made enough sense that she was inclined to believe him.

"Very well," she replied, "guide me."

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