Chapter 5

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"Hasaail raiar dha rdinirr ull Vaair Merais, dha ira ull whaish air llusfainnal. Alirr nera seirhd fsesdaisailr dha ira ull dhair nerais wairr fa rifrawialdrirr fid du naedh.

Tha rdinirr ull Vaair Merais air dha ira ull nerais du ufal naisasd fusderr du dha Sfaisaid Raern dhsuirh dha ira ull naissusr, ed whaish fuaild dhairr neirr fhirrraiserrirr dselryasra dha Sfaisaid Prela waidhuid dha ira ull erdser fsushasdaiul."

"What in the Six Realms is this language," Evelyn muttered to herself. She sat in one of her favorite hiding places, an old storeroom, hidden behind a bookcase, that everyone had forgotten existed. The old, creaking, dusty table was heavily laden with every book about ancient languages that Evelyn could find in the libraries. With her newfound access to the Mages' Grand Library, she could study further than the Apprentice Libraries allowed for. She was discovering new languages every day, but none matched the scroll that Edwin had given her.

"Eve?" she heard her name called and quickly stuffed the scroll into her robes. She spun around to face whoever had intruded upon her study. "Apologies," the Templar held up his hands, "I didn't mean to startle you." Evelyn smiled.

"It's quite alright, Cameron," Evelyn insisted. Cameron, one of the Knights of the Templar order, was one of Evelyn's closest friends. While kinship between Mages and Templars was rare, they spent so much time in closer quarters with each other that it wasn't unheard of. So, few thought much of their strange companionship. Cameron was an attractive man, with steely blue eyes and well-kept, blond hair.

"What's kept you here so late?" he asked, "Edwin was concerned."

"Late? It's only midday," she countered.

"Have you looked outside recently?" he asked. Evelyn turned to the window and gasped; it was dark and the stars were beginning to twinkle in the night sky. Where had the day gone? She wondered. Cameron chuckled.

"I'm sorry to worry him, I've just been so caught up..." she trailed off, unsure how to explain her studies.

"Language study?" Cameron asked, eying the textbooks.

"Yes, I'm trying to identify a language on a document I once read," she explained, lying only by omitting what type of document it had been.

"I may not be an expert, but perhaps I could help?" he offered.

"I doubt it — it's not in any of the texts," she replied with a heavy sigh.

"At least give me a chance?" Cameron almost seemed hurt and so Evelyn relented.

"Fair enough," she said as her mind raced. She couldn't show him the document.

"Where's the document?" Cameron asked, looking through the books on the table.

"Well, I don't have it," she lied, "but I remember what it read." With that, she perfectly recited the first two lines of the document, having read them so many times they were ingrained into her memory.

"The formation of the words almost sounds like Ancient Ventiri," Cameron mused.

"Wait, you've heard it before?" Evelyn asked excitedly.

"In our teachings, though I couldn't translate it for you. I just recognize the pattern," he explained.

"I've never even heard of Ventiri," she countered.

"No, I don't doubt it. It's a forbidden language. The Ventiri were a people who betrayed everyone during the midst of a war a couple centuries ago," he explained. Evelyn nodded. That would make sense as to why she couldn't find any books on it.

"How am I supposed to translate this then?" she wondered aloud.

"Why not let me take care of that? I can meet you here tomorrow night," he suggested.

"I'll hold you to it," Evelyn replied as she began tidying up the desk and stacking the books.

"Here, allow me to help you," Cameron said as he confiscated one of the two stacks of books that she was trying to balance at once.

"Thank you," Evelyn replied graciously.

The next evening, Evelyn waited impatiently in the secret room for Cameron to make an appearance. He was late, and she worried what might be keeping him. Perhaps he had gotten in trouble for inquiring about Ancient Ventiri? She wondered. No soon had she begun to stress, then Cameron slipped through the doorway carrying a small book.

"My apologies for taking so long," he said, "there's... been a development."

"What sort of development? Are you alright?" Evelyn asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, however... no, I shouldn't tell you," he cut himself off. Evelyn scowled.

"Does it affect me?" she asked.

"No... well, yes, but—"

"Then tell me," she demanded, cutting him off. Cameron sighed, used to her temperament by now.

"There's talk of... an organization of blood mages," he explained slowly. Evelyn gasped. Blood magic was a highly forbidden form of magic, one punishable by death. "They say that there's been thefts from the Vault, too," he added. The Vault was the most secured area in the College, where only the High Mage and High Templar were allowed to venture. The fact that someone could break in required powerful magic indeed.

"What's going to happen?" Evelyn asked worriedly, remembering the conversation she had overheard between Ivan and Temith.

"I don't know," Cameron admitted, "I wish I had more answers to give." Evelyn's thoughts were interrupted as she finally noticed the book he was carrying.

"What's that?" she pointed and asked.

"Oh!" Cameron exclaimed, having forgotten himself, "this is for you." He handed her the old, small tome. She began to flip through the pages immediately.

"This is it!" she exclaimed, recognizing the consonant formations.

"Ancient Ventiri, like I promised," he confirmed her suspicions.

"How did you get this?" she asked, looking up at him with bright eyes full of wonder and excitement.

"It wasn't easy," he admitted, "but someone owed me a favor."

"Thank you!" Evelyn exclaimed and rushed to hug him. Cameron was taken aback at first and didn't know how to respond.

"Um... you're welcome," he managed to get out.

"Oh, sorry," Evelyn apologized as she stepped back and composed herself. "I can finally translate that text," she explained, "you don't know how long I've been trying to figure it out."

"I have an idea," Cameron replied, "you're stubborn when you set your mind to something — especially if it involves learning something new." He chuckled. "I truly hope this helps, but I must return now," he added. Evelyn barely heard him, already absorbed into the new book. Finally, she thought, I'll learn what Veil Magic is.

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