Chapter 9

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            For the whole day, I just hung out with my some students from my school who are actually friendly enough to invite me in their group. I wonder who these people are.

            “Hey Luke!” I heard an overly familiar voice behind me and I instantly regretted hanging out with these people.

            “Bryan.” I gave the guy my deadpan stare while he’s smiling like a complete moron. Why is he like this? Can’t he get affected by glares or something? He’s totally a rock inside! He even has a peanut for a brain. I want to ask him how he got into high school without a failing grade in middle school.

            “Where’s Tessie?” he asked me.

            “Do I look like her mommy?” I snorted and everyone around us laughed, including Bryan of course. Everything sounds like a joke to him. Even his face looks like a joke to him.

            “I was just asking because you’re her best friend!” he shrugged. This guy is really annoying. My purpose of going out of our damned house is because she’s there and I can’t help thinking about her all the time, so I went outside only to find the guy who asks a lot about her. Isn’t that a coincidence? I think not.

            “She’s not my best friend anymore Bryan. So stay out of it.” I sighed and immediately, he stopped inquiring about my life and Tessie’s life. Good boy!

            It was almost 10 when I decided to go home. Yeah, we got trashed. We went to a party and we drank to our heart’s content. I wonder how I got home safely without getting robbed or something. I snorted at the thought. Who would rob the popular guy in campus? Idiots.

            I groggily opened the door and almost stumbled inside the house. Ooh, I feel so light headed. I better hurry up and sleep. I don’t feel any better.

            “Young man, you better explain yourself why you go home late and you’re drunk!” I head my father’s voice in front of me and there I see them. My Mom, Dad, and Tessie are in front of me looking very disappointed.

            “Hey!” I slurred while trying to regain my balance. I saw Tessie sigh and shook her head.

            “Explain!” Mom’s voice shot through my ears like a megaphone. Jeez! Keep it down woman! You’re too loud.

            “What do you care about my life huh? Nothing. Just leave me alone and let me do my thing. You are persistent people. I already asked myself how I lived with you for years!” I scoffed as my eyesight became blurry and became a little bit fuzzy. Whoa. I feel dizzy around here!

            “Luke.” Tessie’s soft voice soothed my ears like silk but I scoffed at her and pointed my index finger at her chest.

            “You! You better leave me alone! You don’t know how much you hurt me because of your ignorance! I thought you were smart. BUT YOU CAN’T EVEN SPEAK TO ME AFTER I CONFESSED! WHY? WERE YOU ASHAMED? WERE YOU ASHAMED TO TALK TO ME AFTER YOU IGNORED MY FEELINGS? I COULD HAVE ACCEPTED IF YOU DIRECTLY SAID NO! BUT YOU CHOSE TO GIVE ME THE SILENT TREATMENT!” my voice rose when I remembered the night I confessed to her.

            “Luke, that’s enough.” Dad said but I don’t plan on stopping. I have a lot to say to this ungrateful girl.

            “YOU REJECTED ME INDIRECTLY AND IT DID NOTHING BUT HURT ME. WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS? YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON’T CARE IF YOU LEAVE. I DON’T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW! I DON’T NEED SOMEONE LIKE YOU IN MY LIFE!” after that, I exited our house and decided to go to Bryan’s house which is actually 3 houses from ours. I don’t care if she hates me. I don’t care if she doesn’t like me. I don’t like her also. I don’t need a girl like her in my damned life.

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