Moments with you: One Direction Fan Fiction

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{Eliza's POV}

We're like na na na then we're like yeah yeah yeah.

The music blasted out of my headphones, my head bobbing up and down to the familar and catchy tune. 

"Always like na na na then we're like yeah yeah yeah!" I sang out loud, not realizing I did, which received a bunch of hush's from my friends. 

We were all on the way to some fancy dinner party of my mum's. She had dragged me into it, so I decided to drag Leah, Alice, Mandy and Lily in with me. We were all dressed in our fanciest : Lily in a flowy just - an - inch- beneath- the- knee light pink dress which for some reason made her legs look longer, which she liked. Weird child, that one is.

Alice was sporting a emerald green strapless dress which made her blue eyes pop even more than they normally do.

Mandy had on a deep purple spaghetti strapped dress, she kept complaining that the dress made her look fat when really, she was as skinny as a rail.

Leah was wearing a bright orange dress, which I know mum would never approve of but Leah was always the one to take risks.

And last but not least, moi, Eliza. I had on a turqoise sequin strapless dress that went just above my knee. The only bad part was it made me itch, alot.

My dad pulled into a huge mansion and we all hopped out of the car, shutting the car doors behind us. We rang the doorbell and waited for someone to come answer it. I stuffed my iPod into my clutch and looked over at Leah. 

"What is taking so long?" I impatiently sighed. 

"Patience, Elizabeth." My father said, looking at me. 

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell again, the door swung open and I became face to face with the one and only Louis Tomlinson. I took a step back, glancing at my friends, trying not to show my excitement. 

My friends and I were big One Direction fans. I could see that Mandy was just about ready to pee in her pants while Lily was about to cry. 

"Aah, you must be the Parkinson family. Come in." Louis greeted us with a smile as he let us in. I looked down in his hands and noticed a few half eaten carrots. I held in a laugh as I trudged in and into the kitchen. 

"Oh Elizabeth! You've finally arrived! Come, meet Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam." She greeted me as she threw her arms around me in a quick embrace. 

"Mum, we know who they are. They're One Direction." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't hear. 

"Oh, that's right!" She turned back to the boys. "My daughter and her friends are obsessed with you guys." 

"Mom! We are not obsessed!" Understatement of the century. 

The boys let out a few laughs and turned to look at us. 

"Well, Elizabeth, aren't you going to introduce yourselves?" My mum instructed as she walked off into the family room. 

"Oh right, where are my manners? I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Eliza, this is Leah, Lily, Mandy and Alice." I pointed them out and they each gave a small wave. 

"Nice to meet you guys." Liam said. 

"You too." Lily answered quickly. It was only her dream to meet Liam Payne, let alone talk to him. 

"So my mum is letting us eat us outside so we can get to know each other a bit better." Louis said as he lead the group outside. 

Outside, there was a blanket set out with little sandwhiches, fruits and veggies and lemonade. 

"Well, crap. Now I'm gonna get my dress dirty." Mandy said as we walked towards the blanket. 

"You can sit on my jacket." Zayn quickly offered as he took his jacket off and handed it to her. Mandy blushed and gracefully took it. 


I nudged her. "Somebody likes you...." 


Dinner was great and we all quickly became close friends. Just as we were about to get up and go play ping pong, my phone went off. 

It's gotta be youuuuuuuuuu, only youuuuuuuu.

I quickly turned if off hoping nobody noticed, but of course everybody did. Eighteen pairs of eyes, flew in my direction, causing me to blush. 

"Did anybody hear that?" I asked, trying to play it off. 

"Eliza, we know that was you." Louis said with a grin/smirk plastered across his face. Over the past few hours, I had fell for him, hard. But I had to remind myself that I had a boyfriend, Ryan and I loved him. 

"And you say you're not obsessed." Harry said with a boyish grin on his face. I playfully shoved him, causing him to stumble into Liam. 


"Sorry, Liam." 

"It's alright." He said before wrapping his arms around me and giving me a big bear hug.

"GROUP HUG!!!!" Liam shouted and soon enough, I was surrounded by a bunch of arms. 

"Well, this is awkward." Leah stated after awhile. 

We all quickly pulled away and walked inside the house. Harry grabbed the last carrot on the way out of the kitchen only to be tackled by Louis. 

"NO!! MY CARROT!" Louis yelled as he tackled Harry, grabbing the carrot. He pulled himself off of him and quickly bit into the carrot. "Ha." 

I looked at the clock, realizing it was 11:00. "Erm, guys,  I don't mean to be a party pooper but it's 11:00. 

"So? You guys can just spend the night." Louis said. 

"But, we don't have any clothes." I stated.

"Each of us can give you some sweat pants and a tshirt or something. Yeah, that'll work." Louis answered.

"Ok, but can we have those clothes now, this dress is killing me." Alice asked almost urgently. 

Harry laughed. "Yeah sure, follow me." The two of them walked away and disapeared into Harry's room. Mandy, Leah, and Lily all quickly disapeared with Liam, Niall and Zayn, leaving me with Louis. 

"This way, madam." Louis lead me into his room. "Sorry it's a bit messy." He laughed and handed me a pair of clothes. My phone buzzed in my pocket. 

"Excuse me, my boyfriend's calling me. Be right back." I said before stepping out of the room. I swear, I saw Louis's face fall before I left. 

I think Louis Tomlinson likes me. 

A/N: Hi everyone! GetHappyxoxo here! New story! What do you think? It will get better I promise! (: Thanks for reading! 

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