Chapter 2

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{Lily's POV} 

"Alright, let's do this." I shouted before hitting Dance!. 

"You are soo going down." Liam said as he began to dance. 

"Oh please. Stop lying to yourself, it's really bad for your self esteem." I replied with a smirk as I waved my hands in the air following the dancers movements on the screen. 

It was 4 am and Liam and I couldn't sleep so we decided to go play Just Dance 3 on the Xbox Kinect. He was so going down because what he didn't know is that I've been taking Hip Hop dance classes since I was 6. 

Pump it. Louder! Pump it. Louder! 

The song ended and I looked to see who the champion was. 


"Oooohhhh you just got whooped!" I screamed throwing my hands up in the air and doing a little victory dance. 

"Rematch!" Liam called out. "You cheated! I swear." 

How can you cheat in Just Dance 3? Oh well, I can just kick his butt again. And that's just what I did. 

"What!? How could I have lost again! I'm awesome at this game!" 

"Well, maybe you've met your match." I smiled and flopped back on the couch, exhausted. 

"Well, your an amazing dancer, maybe you could be a backround dancer for us." Liam proposed enthusiastically. 

"Mmhhmm, maybe in the morning." I answered sleepily. 

He laughed. "Ok, get your rest, I'll see you in the morning." 

6 Hours later

I woke up, my head on Liam's chest. I slowly got up, blushing like a crazy maniac. I walked upstairs and into the kitchen where everybody else was. 

"Good morning!" I shouted cheerily. 

"Morning, Lily." Mandy said sleepily. 

"Oi! Where's Liam?" Louis asked.

"Still asleep." I answered as I made myself some tea. "We couldn't sleep so we went to play Xbox and I beat him." 

"In Just Dance 3? That's his favorite game!" Harry exclaimed. 

"Well, he met his match." I said as I smiled and drank my tea. I looked around the room and noticed I was the only one not dressed for the day. "If you excuse me, I'm going to go shower and get dressed." 

"Oh yeah, Lily, Liza's mum came and dropped off some clothes for us. She said we could stay a few more days if we like." Mandy called out as I walked out. 

"Alright, thanks!" 

I quickly took a shower and got dressed in some jean shorts and a navy and white striped flowy tank top. I did my makeup quickly and then went back downstairs. On the way there, my body collided with another and I went tumbling towards the ground. Only I didn't reach the ground. 

"Caught you." I heard Liam whisper. I laughed a little and wiggled out of his grasp. 

"Thanks. You know, for catching me." 


We walked into the kitchen and sat down on the stools. I propped my arm on the counter and looked around the room. Louis was being well, Louis. Harry was trying to impress Alice. Zayn was showing Mandy the view. Niall was showing Leah something on his phone and Eliza was laughing at Louis. 

"So guys, what are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well we could go to the park or shopping or the movies.."Niall began. 

"Shopping!"All five girls chorused. 

"Well then shopping it is.." Harry said. 

4 hours later

"Can't you carry your own bags?" Liam whined as we walked down the crowded street. 

I laughed. "Nope." 

Liam pulled out his phone and checked his messages. "Crap, we were supposed to meet back up 30 minutes ago. We'd better get a move on." 

We quickly made our way down the busy streets and into a small tea shop on the corner of the street. 

"There you are! We were worried sick!" Leah exclaimed as she threw her arms around me and engulfed me into a hug. 

"I told her not to worry. I knew Liam would take good care of her." Niall said as he placed a hand on Leah's shoulder, causing her to blush like crazy. 

"I KNEW IT!! YOU GUYS ARE A COUPLE!!" I screamed. 

Niall and Leah looked at each other, faces red as a tomato. "Yeah actually we are." Niall said with a grin. 

"NO WAY!!" 

Leah was at a loss for words, barely able to control her grin. To prove it, Niall wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big passionate kiss. All the girls awwwed and the boys looked away, disgusted. When they pulled away, Zayn came over and ruffled Nialls hair. 

"Aw little Nialler's got himself a girlfriend!" 

Niall blushed and fixed his hair with his one free hand. I looked up at Liam who I noticed was looking down at me. I blushed and looked away, embarrassed. 

"That could be us one day you know." Liam whispered in my ear, sliding an arm around my waist. I gaped at him and looked away quickly, trying to hide my blush. 

"I'm being serious." 

If he really was being serious, does that mean I was allowed to kiss him? Would it be ok? Or would it seem to forward?

I decided to take my chances. 

I stood on my tippy-toes and kissed him.

Full on the mouth.


A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you liked the chappie (: That's Lily over there (: New chapter should be out Monday or Tuesday (: 

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