Chapter 3

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{Leah's POV} 

We all watched in awe as Lily kissed Liam..and her kissed her back. I looked over at Louis and Eliza who couldn't keep their eyes off each other, glancing at each other every other second. I sighed, knowing that Eliza had a boyfriend, Ryan, who she loved very much. I always thought he was a bad influence on her, but that was just my opinion. 

Niall looked down at me, causing me to blush. "Something wrong?" He asked. 

"No everything is just great," I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder. 

We all decided to go back home and watch a movie. When we got there, I went upstairs and changed into my Hollister sweats and put on a tshirt. I braided my almost black hair and took most of my makeup off, leaving a bit of mascara and eyeliner still on. 

Niall met me at the bottom of the stairs, taking my hand as we walked down the stairs. When we got to the den, we snuggled up on the couch and waited for the other's to come down. One by one they trickled down, choosing a place to sit as they did. 

"Aw look at you little love birds!" Lily exclaimed as soon as she got downstairs. We both blushed and I hid my face in Niall's shoulder, trying to cover my blush. 

"So cute!" Alice cooed as she took a seat next to Harry. 

We decided to watch Tangled even though the boys didn't want to but Lily persuaded Liam into joining our side. 

"Liam you little baby!" Louis exclaimed.  

"Hey, I'd do anything for this girl."' Liam said with a blush. 

"Yeah, whatever." Zayn replied with a small smile. 

As soon as the movie was over, everybody was asleep except for me, so I decided to go out and take a walk. I walked all over the neighborhood, only stopping once when I saw a couple making out under a street light. Normally I would be like "Aw that's so cute!" But not this time. 

It was Ryan. Eliza's boyfriend. And it wasn't her he was making out with. I quickly snapped a photo of them together. 

"You prick!" I yelled at him before running away.

"Leah wait! Please don't tell Eliza!" He yelled after me but it was too late. 

I ran into the house, the door slamming behind me, waking everyone up. 

"ELIZA!!" I quickly yelled, thrusting the phone into her hands.  Her smile quickly faded and she burst into tears, running upstairs. The girls and I quickly followed leaving the lads speechless. 

"I-I-I can't believe he would that." She sobbed into her pillow. 

"Eliza, it's gonna be okay. We never liked him. We always thought he was kinda a prick, which he is." Alice said as she stroked her hair, reassuringly. 

"B-b-ut..." Her voice trailed off as she erupted into another load of sobs. 

"But nothing. There is a perfectly handsome young lad that is head of heels for you." Mandy said. 

"W-what?" She asked.

"Louis! He obviously likes you!" Lily exclaimed. 

"No he doesn't." 

"Yes he does! Do you want me to go get him?" I asked. 

"NO!" She almost screamed. 

"Okay, okay. We won't but we want you to clean yourself up, delete that ass hole from your contacts and go downstairs as confident as ever." I demanded gently.

It took awhile for her to come around but she eventually did. 

"Dinner's ready!" Niall shouted up the stairs. I smiled, just hearing his voice made me smile, let alone blush like crazy. I was so head over heels for him, I hope he knew. 

{Eliza's POV}

Once I got myself cleaned up, I slowly walked down the steps, finding Louis sitting on the bottom step, his head in his hands. 

"Louis what's wrong?" I managed to whisper. 

"We need to talk." He lead me into the hallway near the kitchen. 

"There's no easy way to say this but...Eliza, I love you. I really do. I know I've fallen way to fast but I don't regret any of it. I love the way you smile. I love the way you smell. I love how your eyes sparkle every time I look in them. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you hum under your breath. I love the way you absentmindedly twirl a piece of your hair. God, I love everything about you. I only hate one thing. And that's how you don't love me back." He looked at me with his crystal blue eyes filled with love. 

"I shouldn't be doing this, I know you have a boyfriend." He hung his head low. 

"He cheated. I broke up with him." 


I put a finger over his lips and gently leaned in, kissing him softly. 

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for all the views! It really means alot to me! Who's your favorite couple so far? Let me know in the comments! That's Leah somewhere over there (: 

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